No Perks Spirit at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Continuing the series with The Spirit, completely perkless, no addons, completely naked at rank 1. You’d think this sounds like an easy one, but I barely EVER play this killer, so it turns in to a bit more of a struggle than it should have been.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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23 thoughts on “No Perks Spirit at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. As a Spirit main, add ons are pretty necessary to play her. I tried doing a thing where I played a bunch of games where I had no perks and add ons as her and the perks I could deal with but after using speed add ons for a long time, playing without is pain

  2. Just an idea, wouldnt predator be great on spirit? Its one of the shittiest perks in general, but while phasing, scratchmarks are visible much better and you can better track the survs. Any thoughts on this?


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