Salty Survivor Main Reviews Wesker | Dead By Daylight

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The Salty Survivor Main is back! And this time, he’s taking a shot at reviewing the brand new killer in Dead By Daylight: Wesker, a.k.a The Mastermind!

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Endcard music: β€˜Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #wesker #dbdsalty


33 thoughts on “Salty Survivor Main Reviews Wesker | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I LOVE going against Wesker for….. specific reasons…😳😳😳🀭

    [Fangirl rantπŸ˜…] And what do they mean the Wesker is too "human"? Ummmmm… Wesker is literally super enhanced, what regular human has the strength to literally throw a full grown adult like 20 feet away with just a single hand, and is so fast that it looks as if he was teleporting? Just because he doesn't look like a mutilated monster doesn't mean he's human. Like I'd argue that Trapper is more human than Wesker is 🀣🀣🀣 But that's just my opinion, as Wesker is one of my favorite characters of all time I'm obviously gonna have a bias 🀭

    Seriously tho, thank you so much Behavior!! For again, not only putting one of my favorite characters of all time in the game; but also staying true to his character! (Dont get me started on those horrendous live action movies. They complete butchered him.) It makes me so soo happy to finally see Wesker get the love, respect, and recognition that he deserves since Capcom won't do it themselves πŸ™„ Last time Wesker was in a game, was in Resident Evil Revelations 2 and he was just a DLC character. And that was back in 2014. Seriously I love this man so much! πŸ˜… It makes me so happy that others can appreciate and love just how much of a badass he is!

  2. I'd say Wesker is vastly underpowered, I've seen other DBD players play him and his hit boxes for grabbing people or hitting people with his dash is so small you basically have to land it directly on. Even in my own games against him, I've ran away when Wesker should have grabbed me, it was insane and I felt bad so I gave my props to the killer in the end game and wished them luck because it seemed hard to play as him. I agree w/ other DBD players in that Wesker's PTB was much better and that they tweaked it so much that it made it really hard to play as him. There are some minor tweaks to the character that do bug me however, such as palette stuns (at least from my experience) are not always one in the same. I've hit a Wesker w/ a palette before and it didn't break or stun him, he caught me at the same time and didn't register my palette drop. All in all, I LOVE playing against Wesker, he's very much a fun killer to go against and keeps me on my toes and pushes me to do better at the game to help my teammates πŸ™‚ I also don't really understand what they mean by Wesker doesn't fit into DBD, Trickster I understand because it's a bit out there but imo still fits, but Wesker? He fits perfectly fine, we already have a Resident Evil Killer w/ Nemesis and Wekser is just another S.T.A.R.S turned bioweapon. Sure, he looks just like the year 2005 like a cross between Postal Dude and The Matrix but hey, he's scary lol

  3. Il like the concept, you should really keep it up in my opinion.
    "The only advantage of the nurse is going through walls". eeeuuh Yeah that is one hell of a power.
    Yes i got grab by Wesker thanks to DBD bad hitbox and weird logic of the killer sees himself closer to you than you do (if that is even english) but besides that yes he is strong but It's ok.
    OG dead by daylight was infinite loops, recovering from exhaustion while sprinting etc etc. Kind of tells me why you liked it.
    The running animation is gooffy though not gonna lie. Especially with his coat following the legs.

  4. So this is the problem with dbd right now. Wesker is considered too overpowered as mentioned in this video. Now the other reason's this game is falling again is because there are less survivors to play against due to survivors not having any good perks to help them in general ever since they nerfed alot of survivors perks to the point of being useless.

  5. Omgaid yasss, I agreE, he's so scary and powerful like legion
    I can't play anymoreeeee, pls 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
    Okay, jokes aside, this was a very fun video πŸ‘

  6. Omg 🀣
    In my (survivormain) opinion, I think Wesker have been the most fun killer to face from the last few releases, like, he doesn't feel too powerful or too weak (except for the hitbox being a bit small, but they fixed it now, right?) πŸ€” The Uroboros effect doesn't feel broken or annoying and you CAN dodge his dashes, so I think the chases are often very fun and even on both sides!
    My only problem is that I've faced him SO MANY TIMES in a row and I'm starting to get tired of him haha (not his or any killer players fault though) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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