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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Excuse me, to do what to all the killers now?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd bang a few killers myself, but ALL of them?
I shouldn't be surprised given this is the same fanbase that wants Shirtless Myers lol
8:28 What is that sound? Lmao
I want spicy survivors
God that legacy Claudette was something else🤣
10:18 The devs don't play at all, man…
Bang?! 😳
I swear some people in the community are more sensitive then a clitorus
how horny those survivors were!!!
I can see why as you tunnel when you don't need to. It's a game stop taking it so serious ffs
Wth was that endgame chat, its hardly understandable.
Twitter already wants to bang most killers. 🥵
I face that Puma guy on a regular basis when I play in the afternoon, he has lost to me many times, even though I barely have 900 hours on the game, he’s always bitching about something
I played this map vs a 4 man with boons as the ring girl… it's the definition of frustration.
Got 1 kill 9 hooks ugh when the person who voted for the map escapes its pain
Bang all killers? They're finally adding sex to Dead By Daylight?
Just so you know I´ve seen that Kate player multiple times in my lobbies. But I rarely play with them because they love to skip lobbies a lot for some unknown reason. One time before they left my lobby they wrote similar nonsense about mmr, temmates, killers, swf etc. so I don´t think what they said here was directed to tru3. After they left, one of my teammates, to whom this Kate was also a familiar face, suggested that they skip lobbies because they might want to be in the same lobbies as streamers, but not I´m sure.
That's a bad typo I'm guessing. Bang all killers? Unless it's Spirit I'd resign
I miss the old huntress's voice.