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Video by Carniveris:
Carniveris got a bunch of players to gather some data on preferring 4-man slugging to death over going for any hooks in general, and I don’t agree with the premise that it is more effective and I especially do not want to see this spread.
i would love to see you react to choy’s new video on MMR that he did
huntress dc rate being the same between hooking and slugging, people dc on a single hatchet hit that looked bad on their end so it being the same I don't think matters too much. So I believe it haha
cant beat skull merchant = skill issue
Just wanted to let you know that you’re an awful person and EXTREMELY SUS. What you did to Tru3 is insane. You’re disgusting and your “Wife” is even worse.
So many buzz words meant to attempt to sway watcher's opinions. "Slugging was the more aggressive playstyle for Dredge"… Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Why is that touted as some kind of proof of anything.
EDIT: Also completely nonsensical to only count 4ks
Scott you’re toxic and should be shut down
Killer mains slug away because the more you do it the more survivor players just stop playing and then you all will just go against each other. If slugging becomes meta more and more survivors will carry anti-slug perks only and the stalemate will just keep going.
anti-slug solution= basekit BT/endurance on picked up survivors …
I main twins, can someone remind me wat a hook is??
The random No Mither chads are rising up now.
Hey, twink shithead, wtf you were doing to my homie true? I knew you were strange BHVR licker for years, but I didnt know that you were toxic mutherfucker you are. Shittalking olds, who are you even, kid, to do that?
I recommend every watch the Tru3 documentary. Interesting stuff
Dam scott didnt realise you were that much of a petty person going after tru3 like that. That was putting it politley aswel. Unsubbed
All this data, but almost no conclusions can be accurately made due to the variable nature of different killers, different addons, different maps, different players, different times played…
Kind of a shame, but you love to see someone go thru the attempt.
Its more data than we've had before for a similar type of experiment and its more than BHVR will have done
There we have it folks, f'n deerstalker is meta now.
Better put out a react to the latest video about the stuff you did to TrU man, just saying best to just accept, apologize, and grow. Judging by the lil keyboard warrior you are behind the scenes though I doubt you will.
i see, indians are retar*** right?
I did my small scale test, exclusively slugging people to death it was surprisingly fast. But doesn't work with every killer. Exponential and Wglf can counter it, but it's very easy to narrow down the booner and just keep pressuring them so they can relit the boon.
I wish I was subbed to unsub.
I am very eager to see you talk your way out of how insanely hypocritical you are, smearing truetalents name for absolutely no reason what so ever. I used to watch you, but I will never ever in my life give you any more attention, other than your attempt to talk yourself out of this. I hope that documentary blows up even more. Distasteful. SHAME on you dude!
I don't even play the game anymore, but am i insane, or the most important data in here is that these killers are getting an average win rate (3k or more) of almost 89%???!
Next upload should be a reaction video, all ima say.