When it stops being fun, stop wasting your time. ~Dead by Daylight~

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Nothing special. Last two uneventful matches of DbD.
One Jake Match, One Hag match with a Mori.

It was a good run.
Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spacec0c0nut
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceC0c0nut
Discord: https://discord.gg/9CQXtsM
Email: coconautcentral (at) gmail
Music by HH Streambeats: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhIzey5JOsYGtAVfgh69jRzPwbZ1o_jdD
Ending Theme by Jon Rob: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0LoucMOj97Jiq-1uXvYGug


37 thoughts on “When it stops being fun, stop wasting your time. ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. I'm really happy for you Space πŸ™‚
    Finally you ditched the garbage out of your life. I'm surprised you endured it till now, since i already did it at the end of 2019 or something along the line. It was already unbearable the situation for me, imagine now lol.
    Now the VHS is coming and Monstrum 2 powering-up as never seen before, we can finally hope for other choices in this monopoly market that is dbd!

  2. I still love DbD and have a lot of fun with it despite its major issues, but I respect you being done and not having fun anymore. Ive quit bigger and more popular games because I just personally didnt enjoy it, so all the power to you. Good luck in your future endevors!

  3. It really is sad honestly
    Dead by Daylight itself is a fun game with tons of fun and amazing entertainment to give. But it has the misfortune of being made by a very greedy, lazy, and uncaring company that cares about money, Everything else is second to them. It really is a shame, but maybe we all need to accept and move on just like Coconut. Godspeed man! Looking forward to all your future videos as well

  4. Congratulations Coconut! Even if a part of you is thinking β€œwill people keep watching?” just think of the personal benefits of leaving DBD. I’m not kidding when I say the days become brighter without DBD. Once you get Ruin+BBQ on all killers the game is basically over and everything else is repetitive.

    And hell, even if you do come back you’ll be slightly more optimistic about it. After leaving DBD for over a year I came back for the Re chapter. Had my fun for a bit and left when it became boring, it’s funny how the Fog Whisperers will mention that DBD is getting better with time yet every update added god knows how many bugs in the time I played.

  5. Honestly good on you to stop forcing yourself to play something that you're no longer interested in just to get more views. I think alot of youtubers force themselves to make the same videos because of their audience which causes them to get burnt out and their videos to become stagnant. I'm excited to see your future videos about VHS really soon.

  6. IMO, you seem to have far too high hopes for VHS..
    I mean, yeah, it looks good and all, but still, people haven't exactly played it yet.. When they do, who's to say they won't learn to exploit the game's deepest mechanics to their advantage? Who's to say the game won't be infested with hackers?
    VHS actually really does look good, but let's not forget what happened to every game ever that people claimed would "Dethrone" DBD….

  7. This whole nft thing just proves dbd is a for money and they bring out cosmetics instead of fixing anything and not trying to be true to their fans by hiding the nft thing by bring out new cosmetics and survivor and when I heard they were burying it by bringing out new cosmetics I lost my trust with bhvr

  8. You got to experience the best of both worlds for you last two matches ever: you got to escape with your whole team even if they didn't all make the best plays and experience some jank with that hook slowing you down, and you got a classic with most of them escaping on you even when they got greedy for altruism and played pretty well. That one you Mori'd could have possibly made it out of they didn't panic, so you got to enjoy that last bittersweet Mori knowing that it was ultimately their own bad plays that got you there while also enjoying the pleasure of multiple second chance mechanics as that one Survivor 4%'d into a dead hard to escape.

    Funnily enough, I think this is the best, most true send off DBD could have given you just short of getting teabagged or being body-blocked at the wrong time.

  9. Game stopped being fun for me ages ago. It's just plain boring, every match basically the same thing, there's never anything new, never anything that keeps me entertained and engaged with the game. Every time I play, even nowadays, I find myself playing 3-5 matches of killer or whenever I have a group 3-10 quick matches of survivor then I'm out. Where usually I would play games for hours I end up spending about 1 to a maximum of , if ever, 2.5 at best while playing DBD. They just don't seem to wanna improve the game or add anything new to it. Nemesis' power was basically a cute minigame, same for Pinhead but yeah to even feel like I'm having fun I gotta play either Pinhead, Nemesis or Pig as a killer, just , put myself in a position where the game's not boring and there's a minigame running in the background at the same time. Same for survivor, some killers are just plain boring to play against, the majority of them actually. The addition of boons make survivor gameplay less boring I guess but at the same time they make the role much stronger. I don't see DBD going far in the future like this.

  10. I truly wonder how well vhs will do as a PC only release. Even though it's free to play, this specific genre is completely dominated by dbd. It's got a lot going against it, and I feel like it really needs all the boost in player base it can get. I legit only heard about vhs from some random person on the discord. No ads, not videos about it, literally 0 marketing that I see for it. Hell, I searched "vhs game" and it wasn't even the first link. If anyone were to see ads for it, surely it would be someone like me? Someone who watches predator hunting grounds, dbd, and f13 content among other things?

  11. Still waiting on VHS to launch. Personally, I feel like 1100 hours to unlock all the gameplay in a game is a bit much, I'm at 650 and it's a bit much. Not to mention paying for gameplay, rather than just buying the game and cosmetics, is dangerously close to the border of a "Pay to win." model. Which I refuse to ever encourage. Only thing really stopping it from being pay to win, is that the killers aren't necessarly any stronger than characters like huntress and nurse. But then again, having to grind for huntress and nurse isn't all that great either, and you have to do it for every single killer who's perks you want, or having to wait for perks you need to be placed in rotation. Over all. Pretty bad monetization model, and way too grind heavy, maybe not as bad as it could be, but being shot in the leg not being as bad as being shot in the head, doesn't change the fact that you're still getting shot, which is bad regardless … I'd rather not be shot at all.

  12. You know what's really weird? I mostly enjoyed your snarky and sarcastic videos and commentary (on DBD) so since VHS is shaping up to be a much more enjoyable game (at least for now), I will most likely miss that side of you. Nevertheless I will still watch the videos on VHS because I am highly interested in the game. I genuinely hope VHS is enough competition to at least make Behaviour actually work on their game but I doubt it. Sad about the money I put into the DLCs though.


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