SHE DENIED US! | Dead by Daylight

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Very rarely do we get to hear STARS unless you drag a Chris or a Jill out of a locker, or Mori them! I always look forward to the possibility of it happening. Jill snatched that away from us today and what a bastard. Anyway, Badham is where we are at, Leon and Jill seem to be a duo and forever protecting each other, the other two seemed to be pushing the gens though which was great, but not enough.


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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


6 thoughts on “SHE DENIED US! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. So, a survivor got in my dms after a pinhead game. And i will not repeat what he said. For anyone suffering from depression or possibly lost their mother to…you know. I truly hope he gets banned after i reported him

  2. I know you did not play Hag.. But a bit of a tip for playing Hag.. Her traps are not like Trappers.. In the fact that it does have a range that it activate at. Something I notice you do not do too well when it comes to her is placing traps in ways that covers more area. Playing both Hag and Trapper is kind of alike but with Hag its different in the fact that you want to cover traffic areas over pallets/vault spots. Though of course you will want to cover some of those too but one of the key things is traffic areas.

    Its one of the things you learn from observing survivor players as well as the maps themselves. How players move around the different maps and the "rng tiles". The thing about Procedural Generated Maps" is that there are always patterns. If you are good at seeing patterns ( Most people are. Its a key part of our species to be able to do so. Problem is not a lot of people are willing to trust their instincts when it comes to things they really should be.. Humans often forget they are animals as well, and we have built in mechanisms that if we trust more would actually end up helping us more in different things. Both small and large things. )

    I think that might be one of your problems with Badham. ( Freddy's Map ) I noticed you tend to get confused on specific tiles. I understand why some killer players do not like the map but for me. For the most part its not a bad map at all. There are spots you can really screw over the survivors if they are not careful and unless its a SWF sweat squad most of the killers should do decently on that map.

    Its Haddonfield that is the major problem for most killers. With the exception of Trapper and Hag.. Its actually a haven for them. ( Well. Other killers can do it too but they have to pay differently and utilize Myer's house to its fullest. And no you do not have to camp. Its rare that survivors are NOT being cocky on said map because they know its very survivor sided.. So major mistakes in the one area you can rip them apart at is common. )

    I used to LOVE maps like Lerrys and The Game as killer. ( Of course, did not quite like playing on them as Hillbilly. Huntress is oddly not soo bad most of the time.. ) That said I was really upset when they remade The Game map… I do not quite like it that much anymore due to the insane amount of safe pallets it has now.. Before the change it only had about 4 safe pallets. Now I believe its around 15 or so? Depending on RNG but its something like 13 or 14 as a minimum. when it comes to safe pallets.. They really made it into a monster.. )

    Admittedly with the new map I do not know much.. I have only played ONCE on that map… To be honest it does seem unbalanced in favor of survivors but I need to play on it more before I really judge it.

    As for Nemmy.. I think you played him very well overall. I tend to like using addons that either make it faster for me to hit Tier 3, or addons that make the zombies faster. ( Sometimes a faster movement along with a longer detection range. But I like using the speed addons more. They tend to zap survivors fairly often since they for some reason misjudge their speed and misjudge where they are a lot as well. ) That said you CAN use the tentacle to zap survivors on other side of pallets and other places that you can not reach with M1 +Lunge. Something I notice a LOT of killer players forget when it comes to Nemmy.

    Sorry I know this is a lot of text.. Thank you to those who read it all. I guess I just really like the game and like to give out some info/tips sometimes.. So I apologize if this is a bit much.

    OH and.. A major tip when it comes to Twitch.. If you become a partner with Twitch. You can have problems with also putting stuff on youtube and/or getting money elsewhere.. Twitch is kinda strange about what they are ok with when it comes to how you get income with streaming stuff. ( IE, You can not have a setup to get payed on other platforms. Though I THINK its ok with donations. I do not remember for sure. )

  3. I know you mostly focus on the saltier side of the game, but have you ever considered putting out a video/comp of either wholesome survivors or times you thought you’d get salt but actually had chill survivors? Or even times you had salty killers as survivor? It’s just a thought! Love the content, keep it up. <3


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