She Just Rage Because She Couldn't "Tech" Me? Dead by Daylight

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I think this person rage quit because they failed at “teching” me with ghostface

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #fails #Ghostface #fail

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26 thoughts on “She Just Rage Because She Couldn't "Tech" Me? Dead by Daylight”

  1. Killer main I do a tech I like the call the “WASSUUUUUP” tech, it’s where you move your mouse in such a way it looks like you’re saying “what up?” To the survivors.

  2. they fixed the "fov tech" for ghosty now if they are inside you you still stalk them so she's just too lazy to read patch notes

    for clarification, when they "reworked him" is when it was changed

  3. Its funny but I noticed even more rage quitting is going on again.. Its almost like its back when killers got less BP and credit for ranks and there was no DC penalty again.. Think you remember the time I am talking about.. When anyone and everyone would DC if the killer glanced in their general direction basically.

    Also.. LOL.. "FOV Tech" … "Skill check tech!", "Finish a Gen tech!", "Unhook a survivor tech!", "Escape via hatch tech!", "Open the exit gate tech!", "Crouch in a bush tech!", "Scratch the nether region tech!"

    Killer side I have not once heard of someone calling anything a killer does as a tech.. With one exception and that was old Asylum where you could jump into a window from another area if you do things right. I can not recall anything else.. Perhaps I am wrong? Now some Mayer players would do the moon walk a LONG time ago.. Back before they changed the animation so you could not anymore.. Its strange how they would nerf/remove that but keep in survivors ability to do it. More so since only one killer could do something remotely close to it, and it actually looked like the moonwalk Michel Jackson did. ( Unlike the survivor one, where it just looks like they are walking backwards. Sure they eventually made it slightly harder to do but not by much. )

    I admit it I used to do the moonwalk thing but mostly in matches I was just goofing around/having fun in and only doing so at exit gate, since the survivors where refusing to just leave.. Felt like I should entertain myself and perhaps even get a few chuckles from a few other streamers I have met back then.

  4. Lmao my next stream is gonna be nothing but “tech” jokes 😂😂😂

    Devil’s advocate: locker, FOV, corner, and dumb techs are incredibly valid bc actually pulling them off takes practice. But even Ayrun acknowledged that they don’t work on good killers tho


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