Should There Be a DC Penalty in DBD 2021? [Dead by Daylight Debate]

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Should There Be a DC Penalty in DBD 2021? [Dead by Daylight Debate]

Hi! In this DBD debate, I talk about the DBD DC penalty and answer the question: should it, or should it not be in the game in 2021?

This has been a hot topic over the past couple of weeks in the DBD community, so in this video I gave 3 arguments for both sides, then gave my opinion on if the penalty should be in the game, and gave my thoughts on the best change BHVR could add to the current DC penalty.

For those of you that don’t know what the DC penalty is, players who disconnect from matches will be prevented from joining a new match for a predetermined length of time, which increases after every DC. They also get no pips from that game which could result in a depip depending on the rank they were at and get 0 bloodpoints and XP for the game.

0:00 – Intro
0:41 – What’s the DC Penalty?
1:24 – Pro DC Penalty
4:47 – Anti DC Penalty
6:43 – My Opinion
7:55 – Best Change to the Penalty
9:13 – Outro

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36 thoughts on “Should There Be a DC Penalty in DBD 2021? [Dead by Daylight Debate]”

  1. While adding a rejoin option would be healthy for the game, in a game like dbd it would be really challenging to implement it in a way so that players don't abuse it, how would you rejoin? In the same health state in the same location you dc'd, then it would allow some killers camp a spot where a survivor recently dc'd, on the other hand i already see sweaty toxic swf's dc'ing the moment they get downed, then have one of their friends come over to where ge dc'd to pick him up

  2. I like your idea but i guess it's something that could be abused by survivors. Once a survivor DCs they just lay "dead" on the ground, so it could basically mean as free avoid their hitrd hook/mori, and would force the killer to either camp that spot for 2 minutes or risk them coming back to the game. It would be effective with a sfw, having someone on the ready to pick them up once the killer is gone from the area and they rejoin the trial.

  3. I like your idea. Maybe with the bots BHVR made lately, those bots could take their place to avoid DCing after being damaged or downed or even spotted by the killer to rejoin and reappear-

    It could also prevent Killers from maybe DCing to prolong a match and hold it hostage.

  4. I honestly don't think survivors should be able to join back because that just leaves room for even more toxicity. Imagine this: You're playing a killer and youve just downed a survivor and pick them up. All survivors know where they got downed and then they just DC. What is the Killer supposed to do? Wait for the DCer to come back to finish the job, or let him go. If they let him go then the other survivors could go to where he got downed and wait for him to rejoin, picking him up while the killer is of somewhere else. If the killer decided to wait out the DCer, there's no guarantee that the person will even join back, and the other survivors could slam out gens in that time. I think there should just be a penalty for people who hit the leave game button and none for the people who crash.

  5. I personally think the reconnection idea is terrible. Picture this, the killer is about to down you, You are in a SWF, you dc quickly before they down you, you wait until your teammates call that the killer is now chasing them, up to a maximum of 2 minutes, you reconnect and get on a gen or self-heal or whatever needs to be done. It would create a horrible experience for killers since they lose so much pressure from losing a hook state like that. and itd be super exploitable. I think an alternative would be whenever a survivor disconnects everyone gets a vote to pause the game for 2 minutes, if the players accept then the other player gets a chance to reconnect, if they don't then they lose out on it

  6. I feel like dc penalty should stay but needs adjustment I dced because my internet is shit I got banned for 1 day at my third dc I cant play the game anymore 😀

  7. I don't think there should be a dc penalty. This game is really buggy and crashes/does not load often and you will get penalized for something that isn't your fault. Idk if they got rid of the exponential penalty, but crashes aren't super uncommon for me so if I get too unlucky ill have to eventually wait an hour to play the game just because the game isn't coded optimally. Secondly, and prob the biggest argument, is that dc'ing is not the only easy way to get out of a match. This game isn't timed and it isn't round based. This isn't rainbow six siege where if you kill yourself you just spawn in next round. If you die, you move on. Survs can just suicide into the killer and kill themselves on hook which is only slightly slower than dc'ing. For example, just the other day I played with a swf of 2 against a spirit and the dc penalty was back up. Once they heard the phasing they stopped moving and alt-tabbed. The match took an extra 10 mins longer before the spirit killed me and the other guy and then finally hooked them. If there wasn't a dc penalty i could've just left and not have lost 10 minutes of my time waiting for the match to end. Additionally, survivors can sabotage the game if they can't dc. I've had games where survivors who would've normally dc'd run into me as killer to try and get me to kill them. I don't let them die because it annoys be but, every once and awhile they will try and sandbag other survivors, expose their position, hop in and out of lockers to spam notifications, or body block somebody into a wall as a result of me not hooking them. If there wasn't a penalty they'd most likely just leave. And finally it just doesn't stop enough people from dc'ing to justify it. A lot of people don't care about the penalty at all and would rather wait through it and go in a different tab. And then there are other people who rage quit and dc without even thinking of the timer. I personally don't want to play in a game of hackers making it impossible to win, or a game of 4 swf flashlight clicking survivors taunting me every time i miss, or a never ending doc 3-gen where he can continually shock you but never hooks you. And considering it's so easy to leave the match quickly without dc'ing, what's the point of having one when crashes are common anyways? The only answer I can find for that question is heat of the moment dcs that can be stopped with a little more resistance. But if you dc you lose 2 pips so, if they do it a lot, you won't see them as often over time. I started playing this game in 2016 and I've continually played it since 2018 and dc's have never been that big of an issue for me

  8. I think rejoining should be an option but the timer is too small. If your internet goes out you are screwed either way and for the killer it isn’t really fair because a lot of the ye toxicity that can be done against a killer isn’t addressed. Body blocking is not toxic imo but having a whole team harass you while using stuff like stretched res to make certain loops impossible to mindgame, leaving you no chance of fighting back is quite infuriating. Plus if a survivor is having a bad game they can always kill themselves on hook and be free of penalty + get bloodpoints. Survivors shouldn’t be able to kill them selves on hook because it is unfair. Only then can I agree on some form of punishment.

  9. The thing is if survivors can rejoin after 2 minutes there might be a way to abuse this feature with closing the game in a situation where it is an advantage to not be in the game.. So if you are on hook and DC where do you return? On hook again with the exact same entiti progression? Or not on the hook which is also an advantage cause its a free unhook. I think that would be difficult to balance..

  10. people dc when they're losing way more than their internet cutting out. people who just have their internet cutting out get like a 2 minute penalty, just because some people do it as honest mistakes doesnt mean people ruining matches should just go unpenalized

  11. I don’t really agreed with your DC Penalty Changes because if you could rejoin a game after Dcing you could be able to do a chase, get down, dc, and then come back when the killer is not on you so you ruin the killer experience.

    On my opinion they should the Dc/s penalty put the should do that it’s not 5/10/15 minutes, they should do that you have to wait until the match where you dc end.

  12. I don’t really think there’s a ton of the merit to the argument about crashing, maybe it’s just me and maybe I’m just really lucky but this game has crashed on me maybe once or twice in 500+ hours. I’ve had a few times where my WiFi goes out but that’s not the games fault and that’s something you’re risking if your internet sucks when you play any competitive game. Id guess 95% dcs are intentional and if there’s a way to implement a rejoining system without ruining the game that’s fine but even if they don’t do that they shouldn’t just remove the penalty entirely.

  13. I once posted on reddit about getting banned for my wifi going out and people told me i just shouldn't play dbd anymore and that i deserved to get banned. Luckily a few months later i got fiber optic internet so now i can actually play the game without worrying about getting banned

  14. I think DC penalty shouldn't be on. Killer are to fast and they camp, they are stronger op perks. They have hit box that is unquestionable, there perk has sec which are long while survivor has it less. Killer have more higher rate of winning than survivor.

  15. There should only be a dc penalty if the player manually quits. It shouldn’t count if the game crashes but if the player manually quits on purpose that’s when it’s intentional.

  16. I like the idea of allowing for rejoining, my only concern would be that those survivors would essentially be skipping the work, theoretically, they could dc, then come back when there is only 1 gen and then escape. It could lead to issues as well.

  17. i only intentially leave when a game breaking glitch occurs (stuck in a vault, can't move, ect.) and even if I don't I often get kicked out for inactivity or technical problems and face DC penalties anyway

  18. People would dc in middle chase to avoid getting down, getting back to the match makes you instantly get downed and If he disconnects while the killer shoulder and get back to the match they Will get instantly hooked and Will be his lower hook stage: If he is in the First stage he Will be in the Second If he disconnects, im Brazilian If i write something wrong, please sorry


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