Showing Otzdarva why Sadako is Strong – Dead by Daylight

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@Otzdarva and DOWSEY disagree about Sadako’s Strength in Dead by Daylight. So DOWSEY shows @not Otzdarva The Onryo’s hit and run potential in DBD’s Ringu Chapter!

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30 thoughts on “Showing Otzdarva why Sadako is Strong – Dead by Daylight”

  1. To give my opinion on this statement.

    I agree sadako is A tier. Maybe not the best A tier killer but A tier non or less.

    I think she needs certain buffs and you should make a few addons basekit but almost everybody says that so.

    I personally think many people dont believe sadako is A tier due to the same problem nurse suffers. Nurse is very gamesense heavy and depentend on the skill of the player leaving almost no room for mistake.

    Sadako has something similar. As a killer main with alot of gamesense the pure pressure is better then half the killers because you as sadako can put yourself in a power position. She is A tier yes. But like nurse very dependent on the player. She thrieves with gamesense ans knowledge + experience with M1 killers.

    So before yall come for me bc he was on midwich etc

    Look up his other gameplay.

    Sadako is a killer that works amazing with experienced killers and information perks. If you can capitalize on the slowdown and the pressure that is building up she can indeed easly be A tier. But that is something yall will see when she comes out for everybody

  2. I’m willing to believe that she’s stronger than most people think, kind of like Freddy when he was new, and how he got a lot of backlash for being supposedly so weak. But really, he required a very different play style and he could do very decently, many nuts weren’t familiar with it. Even to Dowsey’s credit, this isn’t even the first time he would be right about a killer being stronger than initially thought. People said the Twins would be weak and terrible, and he showed there was actually a lot they could do with the proper play style.

    That being said, I’m not a fan of this style of test. Midwich is probably her strongest map, if not even with something like treatment theatre. I find it somewhat comparable to when he did a very similar video to this where he played Twins, and on Midwich not to mention. With Twins, he could block an entire hallway with Charlotte while controlling Victor. That’s not indicative of how strong twins are, because Midwich is essentially the only map that’s possible on. At least on say, treatment theatre, there’s probably a window or a doorway nearby. Similarly, survivors can’t really avoid the TVs in Midwich hallways, it’s like a two dimensional runner, you can go forwards or backwards, maybe into a class room, but you’ll have lost massive distance regardless. Where on any other map, there’s 8 trillion different directions you can run in to avoid having to pass within breath smelling distance of a TV.

    I think Dowsey does make a decent point with his argument of ‘doing well without gen regression’, but that considered, he’s using a non-gen regression build, specially tailored to the map he’s playing, that he knows he’s playing beforehand, that as previously mentioned, is probably the strongest map for this killer (and any killer in general). All in all, I think this is a very good representation of what this killer can do when the stars align. But the stars don’t always align. You run out of addons, you get unlucky maps, you get bad object spawns (like TVs or totems), et cetera.

    I think when played right, she climbs above C tier, but I don’t think she quite makes it to A tier. Luckily, there’s a B tier in between. And she might even get to high B tier.

    As an aside, I disagree with the argument of “Oh, Dowsey’s good so he shouldn’t represent the strength of the killer”, that’s not how strength works. We don’t say Nurse is the strongest because everyone can play her to perfection. We say she is because in the hands of someone who’s really good, she is the strongest.

  3. i like this build, but i do think that bbq over all would be better than scourge hook bbq. Getting info where to go after each hook with tvs all over the map would be better than that info post unhook when i personally spend time to try and find my next chase. I guess that may have to be that im not as good at keeping track of entire match.

  4. She may be good on Midwich, but that is killer sided map, plus with this kind of playstyle on indoor maps she is strong. I'd love to check her out vs good team on more survivor-sided maps. Still think she is C+/B tier.

  5. Just because she CAN be strong, doesn’t mean she is. It’s like saying clown is A tier cause he can bring pinky finger and extra bottles as addons. I see she has a lot of potential and probably will be better on launch, but just saying she’s better doesn’t really make it that way.

  6. I love how everyone in the comments is completely dismissing everything because it's on Midwitch. Dowsey has shown this killers strengths on the other maps as well and played nicely with zero gen slowdown on this game as well. Imagine if he tunnled, camped, slugged, ran ruin, ran NOED every game etc. Map pressure and the Macro game play is what this game is all about and that's what Sadako excels at. Great match Dowsey!

  7. I think it's worth mentioning that this is both an indoor map (good for sneaking), the smallest map in the game (helping to increase Condemned more often), the Survivors were not on comms (or particularly ready to counter her) and one of them had an unfortunate personal emergency near the end of the match. I'm sure Sadako has some potential that we're yet to discover (or upcoming buffs) but this match was not a fit example to judge. At any rate, everyone will reach their own conclusions. 👍

  8. I was just about to say what Otz said. Midwich is a great map for all killers. Highest kill rate. Hit and run? On a SWF with boons and comms? That’s what I would have wanted to see for me to agree that she’s A tier. This match didn’t really prove anything.


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