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One of the best builds for Wesker that’s extremely simple to use. The second match featured in this video showcases what happens when Survivors are smart and play around its strengths!
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:
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Oh that's one of my main builds on Wesker already but i have bamboozle instead of corrupt
Thought this build was good on like. Every killer???
Lol this is my build on him
Ive been using a build similar to this. Instead of corrupt and pain resonance, I've been using third seal and pop.
'We got AROUND 30 wins with this' 🙁
16:09 so stupid you can still dh after a vault like this
I'm not a best dbd player but in my opinion otz could used the oblivious effect better in second match by not using his power to travel more and faster because the noise the wasker does when uses his power and alarm survives near him
Damn first game today was after this video and I instantly got a wesker who tried this build, we lost at 3 gens. Otz stop giving everyone your build ideas :'(
11:30 wow i did’n know wesker have that quotue
I used this exact build when Wesker launched! It's so good
I play wesker a lot, maybe more than other killers, and i can't play without playthings because is so good on wesker, even better in closed maps because sometimes u can oneshot with the power doing a jumpscare dash
I hate midwich hookspawns… They are sooooo bad for killer. Strongest killer map if you don't get cucked
Otz the type of guy to say "Why I otta!" after getting pallet stunned mid-chase.
I played against this exact build for Wesker like an hour ago.
This one of those builds that can perform on most killers , particularly killers with above average map pressure . I run stuff like this on the dredge and it is evil to be able to teleport and rekindle
Huh, I was using this exact build on Wesker since I don't like using eruption. Biggest issue though is the teams running nothing but boons which is pretty common nowadays.
Idk, that first game looked a bit like a solo q nightmare. The hard tunnel on the Nea, into the Rebecca giving up on her second hook, and the Meg of course dropping everything to stealth it out and let Jill eat shit alone. Meg was of course using fucking Mettle of Man and only seen once in the entire match lol
Wesker's a weeb
Trying to use your power way to much bro just take the M1? Jesus
Damn what an unique build, never seen anything like it
This vid has been out for 5hrs yet I’ve seen this build 7 times today
I just started playing Wesker (kept delaying playing him, prioritizing other killers) and man.. I wish I started sooner. He's so much fun! Great timing for this vid, discovering all sorts of great builds on him!
The "oh cookie" is def gonna be in the compilation this week