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The Knight can be played in a very lame way (for Survivors) and this skill-check oriented build seems to prove it!
00:00 Build Explained
02:56 Garden of Joy Match
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:
And thats how killer are becoming more of campers. Due to youtuber bad ideas. Killers always favor there side. Bias
For me the difficulty with knight is thag I dont know what to really do against him and his patrols…🤷♂️
Trade best for last for Huntresses lullaby and get to 5 stacks. So many map pings. 😩
Ooh 😮 this killer looks like so much fun
I love Otz but watching him do this camping style on first hook with 5 gens is kinda cringe doe
This reminds me of when everybody thought the Twins were terrible, but then the community figured out that they're slugging machines, and that became the only consistently viable strat, which made everybody except like 5 people enjoy playing as/against them.
i like going against the knight , but it feels that almost every knight just camps hooks in early game and in solo queue , well i don’t have to say much more. but i think they have created a killer that rewards you for camping
It's silly how this is basically what people envisioned when it was all revealed what the Legion was, and how the reworks for Legion could be like. Being able to use the different people of the group as patrols and whatnot, but instead it's used on a Knight. Like, I really like the aesthetics and actual proper usage of the old italian papalic imagery for the Three but from a thematic standpoint I think it'd make more sense if he looked more like a commander if they were to go with a "medieval ragtag group of mercenaries".
But being a Legion player, I obviously only think about Legion because my brain has degraded into a slush.
thanks otz. ez dubs
It's sad cuz bubba is proof that even if a killer can be played normally very well the people drawn to that character are people that want to camp and tunnel because it makes it easier for them. Sadly the knight is going to be one of those characters I think where you rarely see him and if you do it's a camper style
2:10 he meant to say merciless
Guarding gens yes i can see that as a good thing,guarding hooks is stupid,as if killers need more ways to camp -_-
That being said tho this update kinda ruined the game a bit,wiggle skill checks now have a huge delay ad for some reason frame drops,the Knight is pretty bad all thigns considered,good concept rlly good killer but its mechanics just don't work properly and there are plenty of other things that are minor that the update kinda broke,they will be fixed probably but still.
Funny. When I camp first person on the hook that hard I usually get flamed. Ofc I know Otz doesnt rely on it but I still find it hilarious.
"skillcheck knight" bruh this is bubba knight
Bruh this whole game was just otz camping wtf
yeaaaaaa this is a problem…. i hope BHVR will do something to ruin this knight camp play style
Is this a toxic camping build advertisement which will be copied by some many people or a call for attention to BHVR to change this? You decide
So basically the knight is only good at 1. Holding a 3 gen with 3-4 slowdown perks, or 2. Camping and holding a 3 gen. Very good and cool killer bhvr 👍
This killer is super boring! All everyone does is camp! Big yawn!
I love Otzdarva
how fucking boring
Face the darkness + pig trap + pig stealth tho