SLANDER HURTS Dead by Daylight

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19 thoughts on “SLANDER HURTS Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thats the thing with twitter is that they rather believe something with no proof then to do there own research and get proven wrong but then again it would destroy thier fragile egos so of course there not gonna do that also the people threating you would never say it to your face in rl because they be to comfortble disrespecting people online and not facing consqences for the stuff they be saying or getting punched in the face bruh. Love the videos man❤

  2. I remember the slandering witch hunt against you and the stalkers that constantly sniped your lobbies, you've been treated in a very unfair way by the dbd community. It's like some people forget others are real human beings with feelings…

  3. I was going back on some old threads to see if there was any other discussions from behaviour on tru3/tru3munity and all i found was years old threads from toxic people. it was funny to see how many of them that were calling for tru3 to be banned were themselves banned.

  4. It’s sad that I can narrow the “one person” Tru3 mentions to about 2-3 people, all of a same childish clique. Those creators helped ruin my opinion of DBD forever. I still play, but VERY rarely. I prefer more to watch a few creators like Tru3. SO GLAD those “creators” finally left DBD (or at least I believe that they have)

  5. Those guys single handedly destroyed the dbd community.
    Its a toxic left wing ideological movement that has spread into every facet of western societies.
    Diversity and Inclusion, but only inclusive of the people they like and agree with and down right oppressively exclusionary of anyone who threatens or disagrees with their world view.
    The Tide is Shifting

  6. Tru let me say this "Love and Hate cannot exist within the same heart". One will overthrow the other. Because Love can never Hate, and Hate can never Love. Love can only exist with Respect in the same heart. These are the only 2 principles that are compatible with each other, within the same Heart. If anyone that has a family and they say they Love them, then turn around to Hate your neighbors does not Love at all. The Rules have already been set, way before we were born, there is no in-between. Why do you think Jesus said "Love you enemies"? Because Hate will eventually turn the whole heart Black. Remember the old saying, "Practice makes Perfect"? Well this applies to everything we do or don't do in life.

  7. Idk bro I’m your gayest fan and you don’t come off as racist and homophobic. I was never apart of the early dbd community but I saw why they said you were those things and I could understand how it came off that way but that’s because in this climate you gotta walk on eggshells if you’re in the public eye, it’s bs. There’s tons of virtue signaling in every community you just got the short end of the stick sadly

  8. I have immense respect for Tru3's patience and how he handles the toxic side of DbD. He's always straightforward and doesn't BS to try to please everyone. He says what he thinks, and if you're cool, he's cool. If you're a dick, he'll give it back. There are those that understand the difference between self-confidence, and over-inflated ego, and there are those that don't. For me, give me someone real, and those other people can have those phony personalities that will put a smiley face on everything.

  9. I hated the era when you said something and nobody listened until someone else said it.

    TrU3: Hooks over kills
    Dbd Community: Yeah whatever
    Another Content Creator: Hooks over kills
    Dbd Community: They actually got a point
    TrU3mmunity: 🤔

  10. I remember that drama that those people started a few years back. I was a fan of Scott in particular and was very disappointed by him proving to be a snake, I had to stop watching him after that. Regardless of all of the bullshit that happened back then, I think that most people know that you aren't a bad guy; the DBD community just has a lot of easily offended people who love to go after anybody they can, they're a big part of why the game is so toxic.

    I was less surprised by BHVR's decision though, the Fog Whisper program was always a way for them to get people to shill for the game and it still is.

  11. What is not slander is TrU3 blind. That leon with the snow effects thought was a ninja, hiding behind the table when you took steve to the hook, and after you back out, he is in the corner.

    JkJk, I know, chat can be the excu… ahm… chat can be distracting. XD

  12. Tru3 you should give a single fuck about what any other dbd content creators think about you, just look how they fucking look like and base their personality on a fucking agenda, and even if you don’t agree on their take about a game they automatically call you Nancy, racist, homophobic or whatever weird shit. Glad the only ppl that listen to them is their small audience


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