The Witch is the next Killer? ~Dead by Daylight~

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Makes sense to help sell copies of the new game… Plus, the last female killer was the Trickster… we definitely need a a redo.

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49 thoughts on “The Witch is the next Killer? ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. While I do agree the speculation makes sense, I see this as a huge loss of potential. You'd add a character from a game that has alot of hype, but not one of the characters that the hype is around. Even moreso, you also don't add any of the old characters, the well known classic ones that everyone would recognize and go "Hey, I know where that's from!" in the manner of someone like Myers or Pyramid Head. I get that you also have to consider gameplay when adding a character, but I still feel there would be better choices then the vampire sisters.

  2. My dumbass tought the title meant the Witch from l4d, and since we got Bill lore i almost believed it
    …still, in retrospective a l4d zombie killler would be pretty cool. Or a legendary skin.

  3. I'm skeptical. I doubt they would shoot themselves in the foot like this by using Village for the license instead of classic RE. Plus, would they really use the same trick twice in a row?

  4. I hope your wrong. While everyone wanted mr.x or nemisis i think lisa trevor or the iron madein would be better options due to the big boys being well a lil too big.but if they really picked the tiny vampire lady to rep the survival zombie game then i really dont care. Not even big vampire lady…. come on…

  5. I feel like that would be the biggest "fuck you" to both Dbd and RE fans. So much potential, and we'd get a new character we hardly know anything about as the Killer, with probably Ethan as Survivor.

  6. I’m actually hoping for this to be honest. While I would be FAR from unhappy if it’s actually Mr X or Nemesis, I feel like gameplay with a power fitting them would be kinda boring after a while, meanwhile Hot Goth Vamp Lady over here could have a wide variety of different power sets.

  7. The daughters and their laughs are perfect for dbd, if they go this route then so be it. As long as the killer is decent and fun to play and not like the last and not to mention does not fit into dbd at all trickter. the latest trailer even worse.

  8. i really hope not , theyd waste a huge opportunity to bring in one of the more iconic resident evil characters but this is bhvr we are talking about. they did well with the silent hill chapter but havent been batting well lately

  9. Aw man, if they were going with the new franchise I was really hoping for Heisenberg to be the next Killer. Big hammer, telekinetic powers, quips, and mechanically intelligent. He'd be really cool.

  10. If they do this right she’ll be fun and cool killer-
    As cool as mr. x and nemesis are I feel like they could be extremely boring in terms of actual gameplay- especially Mr.x-

  11. It doesn't make sense at all. They are not going to buy a license Just to put a character, that we don't even know. It doesn't make sense from the business perspective.

  12. I'm praying that Ethan or Re7 or 8 won't be the Chapter in Dead by Daylight. A whole list of iconic and classic characters with iconic and classic monsters and the Devs pick this? Just a huge "Fuck you" to its fans.

  13. I don't think so, because in the Cutscene of the observer. We saw a Vampire as killer and i don't think they will bring two vampir killers in the game. Especially if one of the Killer is a Resident Evil Char.

    PS: Be Kind, english is my second language

  14. I assumed the killer for the RE chapter was always going to be from the newest RE game.
    Unlike Konami who doesn't seem to care about making future Silent Hill games. Capcom IMO is viewing this as "free" promotion for RE8 so of course, they would want to show off something from it.
    I think for Survivor I don't think it will be Ethan Winters, since they have taken a great deal of effort NOT to show his face. So instead I think it might be Chris as he was shown in RE7, or maybe one of the female characters Ethan saves during RE7 (Or a female character that might show up in RE8)

    is it disappointing not to have Classic Chris or Jill as survivor, or Nemisis, Mr X, Wesker, or any of the others as a Killer? Of course, it is. But for Capcom, it makes no sense to give Old content the spotlight a month after their new content. They want all eyes on the New Hotness (RE8) and making people interested in the new hotness (RE8) from exposure in another game is great, I would be surprised if Capcom DIDN'T see a spike in RE8 sales when the DbD RE Chapter goes live (Or at least a month later)

  15. I know this theory is solid but given they've hyped this so hard for both the anniversary's it'd be such a waste to ignore the iconic characters from the franchise. I know personally, I probably won't buy the full DLC if the killer ends up being Jack Baker or one of the new village characters. I want to play as Jill Valentine or Leon Kennedy, not Ethan who doesn't have a face.


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