AN ALL-KILL ANIME SERIES WOULD ACTUALLY BE COOL. | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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Y’know, an All-Kill anime or TV series would actually be really cool. I’d really like to see a story about Trickster in another medium. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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15 thoughts on “AN ALL-KILL ANIME SERIES WOULD ACTUALLY BE COOL. | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. I would love an animated Dead by Daylight anthology series that shows the survivor and killer's life was like before they were taken with each art style changing every episode based off from the character it's focusing on.

  2. Trickster's lore I like
    Trickster's power, I like
    The connection between the two… what?
    Seeing him fleshed out even more would be so cool, especially his relationship with Yun-Jin through it all.

  3. tbh its painfully obvious that trickster was made to cash in on kpop. im not shitting on him because hes kpop inspired but more so that hes a bad character with really no interesting motive other than "oooo spooky music". for someone whos suppose to be a flashy superstar hes bland. maybe that was the point? but if thats the case then why even make him? i wouldve loved to see his story focus on him being driven mad with trying to make some entity inspired music or such kind of like in kates tome. im upset at the fact that bhvr went the easy way to make a quick buck and waste a potentially compelling character.

  4. I think a legion show or movie could work well, but it shouldn't focus on frank. A lot of dbd characters could fit the job, but whoever it is needs to focus on character over gore and guts. (Also make tricksters bouncing blades base kit and nerf laceration so he can trick people)


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