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yes dead by daylight
Maybe he will say hi 😳😳😳
I love it when you guess post rocket by daylight
really early lol
Wooo more DBD
Hi I have been watching you guys since the fist few episodes of dbd thank you for being my childhood
Hi bereghost I am a old fan I watched your videos back in 2016
Great video 👍
I'm so mad that you haven't reached 1mil yet
I’ve been watching since I was in like 4th or 3rd grade I’m almost in high school now
5:57 was literally the best moment when Brianna went into a locker right in front of pixie and she didn’t see LOL
man u fell off
I started crying when Brianna got in the locker and pixie didn’t realise it 😂
Can you play Roblox back please?
1 year day 65 of asking to revisit raft and to get the other ending in Pacify on the farm and play R6 again
bereghost u hav e been at 900k for so long lol
I like it most when bere is the killer
Yello iv been watching you guys ever sense the different food unboxing vids,I forgot the name, but thanks for everything 🙃
Man i took a break from alot of channels(this is one of them) amd i missed this
Can you guys add me on discord my name is Bryant
Do more rocket league also known as tear apart your family also you guys are such big impacts on my life love u ❤ 💗 💓
💖 💕
BereGhost can I 1 V 4 you guys in a Rocket league match I can give you my discord
this whole episode was just you guys trolling pixie lmaoo
Bere you should have a moment of silence yesterday for 9/11
The fact she said "hi baby" AS she passed his locker-
6:07 – 6:15 Bere was shocked that it worked for a few 😂😂😂
Pixie not seeing Brianna go in the locker 😭
If you hold shift u can fast vault Any window and any pallet
been watching u off and on since 2014! thanks for my childhood i owe it to ya 🙂
This has been my go too channel for over 5 years and I rewatch like ALL of your vids