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9 thoughts on “SO IS SADAKO ANY GOOD NOW? Dead by Daylight”

  1. Definitely feeling your opinion on the killer stuff, some games are like this one where you’ll have one good looper and everyone else is average but other games (seemingly more frequently)are complete washes with 5 gens done in 6-7 minutes and a lot of the times the perks can’t even bring you back it sucks 😢

  2. I still don’t understand why tf the useless devs haven’t made it so the color of the gen changes depending on the percentage you only wrath can with his iri n I think legion too if that hasn’t changed

  3. bvhr idea of balancing for the longest of times seems to be more based on match making instead of actually balancing the gameplay itself! which is a damn huge mistake!. one of the worst balancing games in history! players have to make there own rules lmao, on top of that its not a competition game/league game and never will be due to bvhr being extremely terrible at balance i mean 8 years and the idiots still allow survivors to spawn next to gens/obj with toolboxes being able to be used on gens at the start while most killers can't use their power at the start!. thats why sometimes when you get your first chase, down, and hoot travel time you get 2 or 3 gens pop cause those survivor's spawned on gens and didn't even have to look for them. that itself is a huge balance issue.

    that and chase hud info really ruined this game for m1 chase killers, its free repair time and knowing your 100% safe from the killer what a TERRIBLE IDEA BVHR!. they need to make blind perks and addons or killer powers remove chase hud info for the duration.

  4. so fun xD
    Sadakos lullaby is visible in the Visual Terror Radius for survivors but doesnt count as a "terror radius" for Ultimate Weapon…
    Yeah but killersided game for sure!


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