Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
I received permission from all streamers included in the video to use their clips. They are fantastic, give them all a follow!
Check out the first two episodes!
These are better in my opinion than your killer troll videos I love these so god damn funny
Nice being a useless teammate so funny
Bhahaha the flashlight lmfao! The doctor was like “what in the fuck?”
I love these videos lmaooooo
Good people lol. You should start teabagging them when they’re on the hook instead of getting them off
Yeahhhh I was waiting for this one

I love these
you have to make more of these videos
and at last, we have been blessed with a sequel
The first guy was so chill about it lmao
1:21 even the doc was like "wtf" for a sec

this was hilarious man
Thank you so much! This made my day.
See spooks, you thought you were trolling but Spirit walked a whole ass circle lmaooo
The way that first killer just watched Bill walk by with the flashlight
Your videos make me smile. When I feel like doing something like this, I just put on Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Hope and Urban Evasion to skitter around at mach 5
I'm not gonna lie. I'm new to the game and play exactly like this! lol. I'm terrible at looping the killer, as I struggle to run whilst looking behind, so I urban evade just to avoid the killer because I know I'm dead as soon as he spots me. I'm good at gens and saving others though. I'm also a Claudette main, so my teamates hate me
Normally, I don't like trolling, but this one is good and the part where you talked to those streamer after the match is gold, to see the other side, not the salty one. It also shows their consents so you can do something like this without problems later.
Been having a bad few days and this just made it so much better. Thanks for the lol's, can't wait for the next one <3
This is how pc players sees us console bois
I got you in my lobby once and started freaking out to my friend but then you left. You had a flashlight and everything.

Sandbag streamers to piss them off
these are some salty lulz, its perfect lmao
This one really hits home for me. In my experience Bills miss the most skill checks
SpookNJukes "W" keying while flashlighting the space beside the killer will never not be funny to me.
Loved this vid as always
I love this "series", por favor más
Dude…I just started the video. I saw the flashlight and started laughing!!
More shots to the back of the head, here we go!! LOL
On a side note, can anyone tell me what the hate for Urban Evasion is all about? Yes, I'm lower lvl so I haven't started imparting rules against my team mates yet.
I love these videos! XD
Feng next pleeeease?

That doctor really turned around nd was like what the fck
this is 10x funnier when it's other people
Im waiting for more ,,Trolling TTV as A 20rank (survivor name)" videos!!
This was awesome,I was smiling all the way

Yes! This is so funny!
Congrats on 10k
Should just change the title to as a Bill lmao another banger my guy keep it up
the last one didnt pass the vibe check "I aM nOt SaViNg ThIs BiLl" yeah helpfull teammate c: [No front tho :^]
Hey spooks! I love your videos and wanted to congratulate you on not being canceled! So i made a video just for you! Hope you enjoy it becuase it took me a long time to make.
I like how he’s always there for the flash light save
This guy trolling them hella hard

When you're a "knower" it's a different story xD Did not expect Bill this time! Great video and editing, looking forward to the next one! :3
That is so beautiful. And honestly, I live for baby survivors. They’re so cute I want to sacrifice myself for them lmaoooo
Solo que simulator
1:52 “Hoooe mY Gaawd”
HEY that's ME!
I've been checking out your videos ever since this stream and I absolutely LOVE your content dude! Keep up the great work!

That's so funny. I love the new crouch walk animation with urban, it's hilarious.
To troll a streamer who knew about you and still question if it was really you lmao, love these type of vids
I ran into a super salty streamer today who got mad about "tunneling" because I didn't let him moth me with a flashflight
he literally let him get the blind because he felt bad