So…The Twins BUFF Is Insane

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Long have we awaited a rework for The Twins but Dead By Daylight just dropped PTB 7.7.0 and what they did is absolutely mental!

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41 thoughts on “So…The Twins BUFF Is Insane”

  1. they should make it so that (my idea)
    –victor can only injure a healthy survivor by pouncing
    –the second pounce(on an injured survivor) will slow the survivor's speed and blurr the screen a little

  2. Victor at this point might as well be a separate killer to play in gen seeing how OP he is lol BHVR unfortunately not making the correct updates for Twins:( As much as I was her to be viable i don't think making this change is in the right direction.

  3. I think they should keep everything except make Victor a bit slower in general, make his successful attack cool down 5 seconds but in the 5 seconds he walks as slow as nurse after she fatigues, and every subsequent pounce after his first successful one takes longer to charge.
    Either that or make him Legion to where every hit from Victor puts you in deep wounds. Victor attaches to you on first hit, and you can either choose to come off (and go after another survivor) or switch to Charlette. While Victor is attached, you keep the haste buff and the survivor who has victor on gets the Oblivious status effect.

  4. They should make victor the old way, latching to healty survs but making them slower while victor is on them, the quicker switch and easier to land pounces would make twins playable for me

  5. They have to reverse those changes, that’s it.
    The only things they can save from this is the faster switch between the twins and the possibility to recall Victor.
    Also personally I think that Victor on the shoulders of running survivors is the most iconic thing of this killer (with endgame gate camping 😅) …

  6. you’d need a 30 second cooldown bc there’s absolutely no reason for victor to down someone that fast considering he’s already faster than survivors and has no terror radius this is just dumb

  7. I think one way to help balance this would be to give viktor a certain radius that he can be from charlotte before he is auto recalled or something like that so survivors have some W key counter play or something

  8. I feel like an interesting change from live Twins would've been:

    Make it so Viktor can't down survivors.

    For 6 seconds after injuring a survivor, Viktor can use "Sibling Swap" which causes Viktor to become Charlotte and vice versa using some kind of animation or just swap positions and viktor can swap back to Chalotte who now has to wake up but is closer to where Viktor hit the Survivor.

    If Viktor pounces on an injured survivor, he latches onto them, slows the survivor(5%?), and emits his killer instict aura while latched onto the survivor.
    Survivors can pull off and crush a latched Viktor similar to an artist crow swarm but takes longer.

    Chalotte can call Viktor back at any time while he is latched onto a survivor.

  9. Make it so instead of the down with Viktor, he latches on and if you dont get rid of him THEN you die. Force you to use Charlotte while survivors have somewhat of a chance

  10. I think on the second hit, victor should latch onto the survivor like he used to on a healthy one, inflicting them with hindered and incapacitated. You could even add some others like exhausted or mangled with add ons. With Charlotte's speed boost and the reduced delay, I think it could work.

  11. I don't get it and I am 100% sure neither do the Devs themselves anymore.
    What even is the story/idea behind this killer anymore? It's obvious, that the original idea was this tag team style, but it doesn't work and never really did. Why would you ever use Charlotte for something else than picking people up? She is literally just a garbage collector, walking along behind Victor. The entire power of this killer is Victor and he is so insanely overtuned and over buffed, that I am actually in awe how a developer team can make such decisions.
    Granted it's a test server, but jesus flipping christ. Maybe try tuning it just a tiny bit before pushing it out there?
    I feel like the devs are seriously struggling to find killer powers these days, that are balanced and actually make sense gameplay wise, answering the question: "Why do I need/want this power on this killer?"
    With the Twins the question isn't even there. Why would you ever switch between them? Press ctrl, play Victor and win. Zero reason to have them "work together". Zero reason to play them as a team. Just go ahead and turn Victor into a single character at this point. I do not get it.

  12. I’ll always be shocked that the dbd Devs don’t really play their game, and certainly not enough to properly nerf/buff any perks or make any meaningful changes to the game. They just rely on feedback

  13. I don’t think victor should be able to knock. i feel like he should be able to put you in deep state but charlotte needs to be the KILLER and victor needs to be the POWER not the other way around

  14. either go back to the old victor ways of injure and downing and keep the other changes, or have it be that victor hits and then latches on and gives broken and u get the haste to get the down, maybe add some slowness to the survivors if thats not strong enough, is how im predicting itll go. i also feel like its a much more counterable way of playing. but god knows with the changes bhvr has done recently…

  15. I like that switching time

    would like to have the other twin to be AI-bot controled…

    and both should have terror radius that's all… thus allowing to be one of the killer with the most map coverage of terror radius…

    and remove all killer instinct gimmick from the kit… allow latching of viktor both on running and downed survivors…
    so Viktor would either injure you by latching on you when you are healthy or latch at you when you are injured in downed position…
    that would always require charlotte to come.

    reduce survivor's kick animation to 0.2sec, and allow it at anytime… so they can play actually try to beat viktor anytime he come close…

    but during that time charlotte is moving…

    change the pounce attack that you get staggered only on collision with obstacles… if just miss then you just land and keep moving… like a normal pounce

    remove all those movement buff charlotte have… I would even slower her down…to the 110% with 24m terror radius and viktor with 48m terror radius…


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