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Today we are trying out the new killer, The Trickster on the PTB for Dead by Daylight. He’s easily one of the most fun killers I’ve ever played.
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#DBD #Twoknee #Trickster
I’m hungry
Notification squad yeee hawwww lmao
Rank 2?! Tony be shhmovin up those ranks
KPop daddy dagger man is looking for a knifu waifu
Where the f is demons souls btw love dbd vids 🤙🤙
He looks like a male Harley Quinn
I’m marking food
my worst fear of being hunted by Jimin in a death arena have finally been realized
Lost oportunity for a great map on this guy chapter for sure FeelsBadMan
P.s: can we get some huntress gameplay? 🙂
I feel like getting max knives from one resupply might be too strong. Either that or increase knife hits required to injure/down. Looks fun though.
I ate a homemade dog bone. It’s dough with cheese and what topping you want rolled up and eaten with dipping sauce.
"Who's that fella who streams DBD with the flat hat?" 16:57
I've said this a few times and I know others are of the same opinion, but power wise this guy seems like he started out as a Legion rework. I mean the way he reacts when he runs out of his power is nearly identical to Legion. And as you pointed out the title The Trickster doesn't really fit him either leading me to further think that they took two concepts they had lying around and combined them to capitalize on something. That being said, apparently you and I are of the chosen few excited to play him since I'm seeing/hearing overwhelming "mehs" in regards to him.
Bro I'm gonna think he's a survivor when I play
glad u r continuing the i suck at killer series =)
“I’m not going to use true anymore”
Five minutes later:”True”
Korean discount Joker that is all
Cyberpunk Leto Joker but Korean
true gamer hours
Holy shit you pronounce Léry's properly. Thank you.
falls in love with a murderer