The Most HATED Playstyles In Dead By Daylight!

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Have you wondered which were the most hated playstyles in Dead By Daylight? You might think it’s camping, tunneling or gen rushing. How about those playstyles so bad, they had to nerf and change how a killer power worked?

Due to the nature of this video, some of the footage does not belong to me! Here are the originals, if you want to take a look at their playstyles: by Hens by CoconutRTS by Your Good Friend by Tyathias

00:00 ADHD Intro
00:27 Chess Merchant
03:00 Forever Freddy
05:26 Slugdako
08:40 Moonwalk Legion
11:20 Infinite Chain Hunt
14:01 AFK Pig
16:01 Game Afoot Rancor

#intothefog #dbd #dead_by_daylight


24 thoughts on “The Most HATED Playstyles In Dead By Daylight!”

  1. 11:23 I used this method to farm Iri shards, but instead i would go AFK on the box so survivors couldnt pick it up and let them repair about 8-10 gens in chaint hunt (at the time merciless storm was bugged where failing it would almost completely reset the generator progress, forcint survivors to start all over) while i did homework / cooked food / did chores. Was pretty funny ngl, but i get why BHVR removed it lol

  2. People are still rather bad at Sadako. Somehow the playerbase never fully grasped how to play her right except a little more than a handful of players.
    I still await the days that people understand how to use her video tape copy add-on in conjunction with a movespeed + coup de gras build. Just infinite teleports going a bajillion miles an hour after each teleport with the longest possible lunge distance purely due to the speed gain in exchance for not being able to condemn. It makes the gameplay EXTREMELY fast paced near TVs, and TVs are rarely ever turned off due to no condemn.

  3. 3 Gen Skully is still kind of a thing though
    Forever Freddy explains the reason why very few players play him anymore.
    Sudoku hasn't really annoyed me with slugging, they leave me for about 10 seconds then come back and hook me

    also Infinite Tier 3 Mikey is still disgusting . BHVR really need to rework him to give him more playstyles. this reminds me that you didn't include Machinegun Myers playstyle where he could recover from attacks really quickly making chases non-existent.

  4. i know its not particulaly a named playstyle but back to the hook killers is so unbeliveably unfun to go against its usually wraiths or Weskers. they hook you then walk away slightly untill they get the unhook notification and go right back to the hook.

  5. I'm a bit pissed at them limiting gen kicks and overcharge use, when survivors can just finish a gen in 20 seconds anyways. It makes it fucking impossible to stop gen rushers, especially if they ran every single perk that gives you bs as survivor.
    I understand nerfing merchant, but they've made things so much harder and annoying by nerfing Overcharge, and again, fuckin gen blocks.
    It just means that killers are that much more annoying, when survivors actually have straight up illusion magic

  6. NO SHOT YOUR STUPID ASS IS SAYING RANCOR GAME AFOOT IS TOXIC BRO. Your actually part of the issue in the game. Anyone who gets pissed about that build is just a loser you will maybe get 1 kill sometimes 2, RARELY 3, I've used it dozens of times and I've only ever got 1 4k it's a meme build and your throwing the game to get a chance at haha funny meme build.

  7. There where a few more other hated stuff.. Original Freddy was also hated because of how good his Aura reading was. ( Even though he was considered to be a F – Tier killer, he was actually one of the strongest killers in the game at the time, the problem was most people did not know how to play him. He also had a built in system that tends to force survivors to wake themselves up by damaging their own gens.. Something that did more damage to the gen than anything else at the time.. This was baked into his base kit.. His only drawback.. Admittedly a big one.. Was having to wait 7 seconds in order to attack someone you just put to sleep. Something that can be shortened to 4 seconds with addons but honestly hes better without addons and/or a different set of addons depending on what you are wanting to do. I played "Iron" Freddy a lot back then. IE no perks, no addons, and no offerings except BP offerings. )

    Skybilly was also hated and by a lot and it got gutted.
    Skydemo is oddly back and I am confused as to why, since they originally took it out before they took out Skybilly..
    Huntress Orbitals are also hated, was taken away for a long while but recently made a comeback. Not sure why they removed the stuff that they put in to prevent it but its what it is.

    There is also stuff that was more about specific perk combos that got broken by BHVR as it lead to some things they did not like.
    ( Such as the two versions of the "Machine gun builds" , The Decisive killer, ect. )

  8. Also the rancor build you are talking about is getting a nerf soon-ish. They are reworking how mori works completely. ( Meaning yes, this also means Myers, Pyramid Head, Sadako, the Mori offerings, Rancor, and Devour Hope are all getting either full reworks or partial reworks due to what they are doing with the mori in general. )


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