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You sadly assume that behavior is competent. They have swon time and time again that they are not. The entire company was never "competent" I surprisingly played 2 other games from them before DbD and fell through the FUCKING FLOOR several times…
I think the biggest problem is people giving up in games, if there was a bigger punishment for people killing themselves on hook or a bigger incentive for people not to do that then it wouldn't be so bad, but in every soloQ game I've had the biggest problem in people just giving up. I've thought about a small change which could be controversial but adding survivor specific rewards with a big goal to achieve like escaping 100 times for every specific survivor and giving people a cosmetic for that survivor as a reward I don't know whether this will make the giving up problem better but if it does even a little bit then I think it would be worth the shot. The second biggest issue is just bad teammates, first of all you're never going to fix bad teammates and bad teammates have always existed but second of all I feel like they're much more frequent then they used to be before the update in so called 'higher MMR' lobbies, if BHVR actually did change the matchmaking system this update then they should probably reverse it
I agree the gap needs to be closed between solo q and swf, but I think the argument that there's "more survivor players" is no excuse for survivor sided updates. You need killers just as much as survivors for the game to function. If killers get fed up and leave, then the quality of games go down for survivors too (matchmaking gets even worse).
Yea solo queue is weaker rn. But you said before that you don't mind an on comms swf. You're biggest problem is when a swf has no weak link. If mmr actually worked, which it doesn't and will never work, then that would happen a lot more in solo queue. So I don't think it's that bad. But still hate this God forsaken patch
My new favorite pastime is putting all of Scott's videos on 0.5x speed and listening to him talk like he's wasted off his ass.
I have died so many times from stage 1 hook since my teammates always stay on gens and sit in the corner
Oh i was expecting more of your hot takes saying why do people want to escape, why dont solo qs enjoy being tunneled. Everything is great! Narrative.
if you make DC penalties very harsh, I think it would force players to finish the game and not bail on their team. The biggest problem with the patch imo so far is teammates getting frustrated and quitting (even though the wins not outta reach).
3:54 Scott does his best coconuts impression
I think you need to take into consideration console players, we don't have the luxury of sticking a scroll wheel on any key bind like PC. Hence why our interact button is assigned 3 things and makes vaulting pallets vs Pinhead etc very cringe looking when we slow vault.
man, if they would just make kindred basekit, would fix literally 99% of the solo queue problem
just think that the most important moment of info a team needs is when someone is hooked, and knowing where others are, which is something SWF already has (and quite frankly their main advantage) is just what we need to have SQ as an enjoyable game mode
maybe you could also see other's perks or smth (once in-game), that could be a sweet change (as SWF already has that info too!)
if your solo and new I highly highly highly recommend kindred, ever since i started playing survivor and stumbled upon kindred i literally can never take it off, it lets you know if you should stay on a gen, whos getting chased or if a meg is being useless or go and unhook or if the killer is coming to you or camping, they need to make it base kit like BT not only its super good for solo queue but wont help with SWF because its doing what SWFs do which is coms, also if the killer is in the aura the hook time should slow to give more time for gens 🤷♂️
Idk. Some of them additions can make soloq too strong, because then you wouldn't have to bother with alot of perks and people can just constantly run meta perks. A indication wheel would really make it strong because they have to decide what to put in it. Saying things and pinpointing a gen almost finished is like battling a swf. I think that's why its taking so long because they don't want it to be like playing against swf. Swf and soloq supposed to be different.
Making Kindred base kit would help a lot and would be relatively easy to implement …
You wanna know what's sad? When a game you helped develop (Identity V) has a better Solo Survivor experience
Dbdm has messages and icons. Idk why core doesn't
What's crazy is most of bhvr's problems are self-inflicted.
Wouldn’t mind if they kept the perk changes, but reverted the killer buff changes
I'm not too sure how this could work, but in regards to soloq chases. Could they not add something that indicates that specific player is in chase? Like how the obsession already gets the entity claws moving while being chased. Something like a pulsing red icon?
I play both killer and survivor, but consider myself a killer main. I have thought the same about a chatwheel. The Netease dbd mobile beta incorporated a quick chat system in-game for survivors (things like "the killer is near me" or "Don't rescue me"). So maybe this is something we will see in other versions soon?
It's so funny seeing Solo Q like this when the game was initially made with Solo Q in mind. Obviously the game needed swf I don't think it'd survive without it. But it's crazy thar BHVR just kinda shafted the originally intended experience like that.
I still can have fun with Solo Q, you kinda have to make it fun for yourself to play it. But after a few games it does wear on you. Honestly making a perk like Kindred base kit would go a long way to me. Just enough information for people to keep on gens during a facecamp situation would be great
Cool, out of 10 videos it's like I agree with 95% of the things you say, keep it up!
Boohoohoo. Game has been survivor sided FOREVER and one of the first "killer" patches come out and losers complain about it. I do almost nothing but solo survivor and killer and this is the by far the most balanced patch we have had yet.
5 min of me staring at your cat, love it!
All they have to do is deduct blood points for survivors who let hooked teammates go into second hook (without that hooked teammate trying to unhook themselves). Deduct blood points for idol play (more than 60 sec of not cleansing totems, touching gens, taking agro, healing etc.).
Scott “The Killer is Banging My Wife” Jund.
bhvr doesnt have the coding capabilities for that lol
I can tell us survivors are being babies and killers are fed up with us, lol. The amount of DCs from fellow survivors has more than doubled and even basement Bubbas are giving up their post to let the 1-2 remaining survivors finish the match out. Not out of pity, but because no one is getting BP out of it. Killers have been refusing to kill and I don't blame them, lol. That being said, my BP gain is almost equal to 2-3 flan offering most matches because of it. Still makes a frustratingly boring game.
Honestly, would love just the addition of an in-game voice chat system. Would likely take a lot more work then just what you suggested, but I feel like this would fully resolve the SoloQ dilemma.
Outside of pings, could we finally make Kindred base kit? And the Nancy perk that highlights a gen if someone else is on it? If you're going to balance killers around SWF, it's time to buff solo queue survivors up to SWF
Chat wheel/ ping system is not trivial to make. Any completely local ui is not too hard (needs testing on all platforms) but the design and implementation of a rudimentary chat wheel is not something that can be done on a game as large as DBD in less than a week.
Just literally make "Kindred" Basekit
I’d love to see some stats on what this update has done
As a killer main (mostly but also SWF with terrible team mates myself included) who uninstalled 4 months ago due to SBMM and imbalance against SWF and also just encountering more frequent hacking-
A. Solo queue always seemed like the hardest thing to do. Rng based on your team mates screwing you just seems very difficult.
B. Instead of nerfing killers which is what they will do if survivors complain enough they should absolutely buff solo queue. Even a basic ping system would help enormously.
C. How has this not happened already. Balance the game around SWF. Add a ping system to bring solo queue in line with SWF. People will learn and get better.
D. Make the reward system more in line with what actually makes the game fun. Don’t punish survivors that unavoidably are in chase the entire game. Also reward killers that chase everyone (the fun part of the game). 8 hooks zero kills means the killer has been facilitating a fun play style for the survivors. It’s not thematic that people escape but at the end of the day the game is tag not jump scare horror. 8 hooks 0 kills is better than 4 hooks 4 kills.
This whole saga has been wild. The idea of adding a comm wheel is the most laughable idea I’ve ever heard. “Let’s completely remove the skill of awareness because the terror radius isn’t good enough”. How much of an advantage do Survivors need in order to just play the game well? I’m still surviving just as much as before this patch so I know everyone is full of shit. People just need to get better, simple as that.
Survivor mains getting upset by killer buffs is just childish. The game has been survivor sided like almost always, and it still mostly is today. Of course the majority of players need more attention than the killer side, but if you take away all the killer fun, then how are the survivors supposed to play? There is no 4 survivor coop mode yet.
My man said this is the 1st killer sided patch in awhile? How when killers been killing survivor left and right. It’s crazy how we had DS DH BT PTS Unbreakable and what I.W and maybe Adrenaline??? We had the same 7 perks since Nam . Boons came out and got nerfed not long after. Killers have mad ish to use. Now it’s mad brain dead I 4k and don’t even have any real killer perks . My friends looking at my share screen “like damn you always been this good at Killer?” No this update take skill and wipes it’s ass with Imagine thinking you good bc the other side legit can’t do anything.
I’m over here 12 hooking like come on SWF wasn’t the problem it was stuff like DH AND DS Should of change that 1st b4 any thing else now it takes a year to do anything at all . Legit all you need is THANA and lethal anything else is overkill . Stack that wit spirit fury and another chase perk and watch the DC’s pile up. Killer been easy now it’s just FREE . Only thing killers had a problem with before was 4 stack SWEATS doesn’t mean everyone should stuffer because of 2.5% of player base that want to ruin somebody time. It’s dumb af not to mention solo q still gets toxicity for just looping . Imagine just beating a survivor on hook because he wasted your time and let gens pop cuz your not getting punished for it and you know you have more than enough time to just kill the other 3. Screw this update #EvilDeadGang
it's share holders and all the other things that come with working in a business. Bad bosses, lazy coworkers, dead lines, passing things on for approval and all other sorts of bureaucracy can slow down development of anything, and while coding something like this might be easy actually jumping through the hoops required isn't. They just did a health update they will be looking at the next killer so who knows.