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and yet somehow it has anything to do with the patch
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
and yet somehow it has anything to do with the patch
I've done a 100 games of solo queue study not long ago (a bit before this patch) and out of 100 games, there were a total of 60 disconnects/ people giving up on first hook or sitting AFK. Overall, 49 of my games had at least one person give up, either resulting in the match ending instantly if it were the killer (10 games of the 49) or it made it incredibly difficult to win, or impossible to win due to how early it was a 3v1 or 2v1. Even in the other 51 games, where someone didn't give up early, there were attempts to die on first hook but they were saved, there were players who didn't work towards the objective, and instead hid in lockers and played hide and seek, not DBD, and there was one farming game with an Oni during game 87 or 88. Out of 100 games, I escaped roughly 30 of them. Either by hatch when my team all gave up or I legitimately got out through the exit gates.
I don't expect to escape every game. Or even half of my games. But there were multiple games where it was pretty hard to know if I even had a chance to escape or not simply because someone gave up on their first down and DCd or gave up on first hook at 3 gens left, sometimes even less gens, sometimes it might have been 4 gens.
It's no wonder some people complain about swfs because comparing a team that actually stays to help their team and do whatever they can for their friends is a stark difference from the easy games where it's a 3v1 early because someone acted like a toddler and gave up and was a sore loser because they went down. Not that swfs are bad or op or unfun, just it's soooo different to face one when you've had easy games against people giving up. Though I've also played killer and had an entire team give up just because I was legion, so it goes both ways I guess.
Thats why we need the giveup option, because is not fun to be penalize if we want to disconnect for people just DCing or braindead teammates
Hmm I’ve found it pretty nice lately seems like something is wrong with mmr because I’ve been getting less skilled killers with lobbies of 20k plus hour survivors (together) it’s been kinda nice.
Took you long enough to talk about this the community has become extremely cruel and no one's calling this behavior out. The mid chapter patch is fine but Jesus wtf is wrong with people this patch. Your haven't even seen the killers issues my play Group won't even touch the game anymore after we had a match where we camped out of the game by a doctor who attacked because we had pride charms then calls us the most heinous stuff. I wish people would do better because this shouldn't happen
In a perfect world where:
Nurse doesn't exist
where Hag doesn't exist
when Pinhead is gone
When Plague packs up her shit and leaves.
When Legion gets a job
Then I will always commit to every match.
Killer has also been rough as if you grinded for the previous meta perks and you don’t have the new ones, you are pretty much ruined
BHVR: [Makes good changes to heavily balance the game]
Entitled Player: "God is dead and you have killed him"
The community just seems mad that they can't have a build that just outright does everything for them. While it's nice to have strong perks, if they are outclassing everything else in every way then many players just flat out won't see a reason to run anything else even if those other perks are fun and have their applications. You can still heal in like 10 seconds if you have the right build. You can still take extra hits if you set yourself up right. It just shouldn't be a catch all build, it's so common that I don't even have to list the perks for average players to know what build it is, that's how long it's been an issue. All of the perks nerfed have made other perks viable in higher level gameplay and that makes the game less stale. But no, some people just can't help but throw nearly every solo match because they can't use the 2 or 3 perks. There's hundreds of fun perks, and really fun combos that people have been sleeping on for years.
I was playing Nemesis one game, and 2 of the survivors collapsed from their deep wounds in the same game. I was convinced that there was some kind of bug involving deep wounds, but they were almost certainly just throwing the game in hindsight. And I've noticed a striking increase in people not saving team mates who are dying on hook, or team mates giving up on first hook. It's really frustrating and I'm really struggling to win matches as survivor. Admittedly I'm pretty bad at looping but I feel like it wasn't this hard to win before, speaking as someone who's never so much as touched DH (as a killer main I refused to use such a frustrating ability to go against lmao)
medkit nerf was deserved. dead hard nerf was deserved. the game is fine, the patch is fine. survivors just don’t have their crutches anymore so they either have to get good or quit.
Idk if it's just me but Solo q is fairly normal. I am guilty of giving up on first hook, though it's usually against PC killers like Nurse or Blight who were already dominating anyway, and would have won regardless of the teams effort. I do agree that I've been paired with way too many baby survivors; mask megs with no prestige, prestige one Dwight's. It's kinda crazy how I've only seen a p100 once, when before the update I saw at least 5 a day.
I think the changes in the patch deffo impacted the winrate. Everygame you'd have at least 1 dead hard and some would be gods with it then you'd maybe have a boon and some rando would run a phat medkit. buffing killers rather then nerfing survivors would've been much better. Who would wanna run no mither now that you have no dead hard. How you gonna deal with a 3 gen camper skull merchant without a boon to run back to in solo Q with 0 coordination. Its not gonna be every match that theres 0 coordination but its more often now so I stopped playing all together and so has like 10k+ other people. I think devs are waiting for the community to stop crying over the nerfs which is such a bad approach. Also the camping and tunneling rate has gone though the roof were its nearly every game and its probably because theres a lot of baby killers. The problem of killer being frustrated could've been fixed in so many ways! They didn't have to make survivor frustrating too.
If I do play I'll probs go for killer in the future because its now less frustrating then survivor. I used to normally get 3/4 kills in most matches but since this new patch its been every single game unless I throw by just going after a looping god with windows of opportunity or let someone escape.
Moral of the story: To make people content, buff killer don't nerf survivor
Barely use dead hard it's kinda funny really enjoying smash hit, balanced landing, Leith sometimes overcome there much more fun fuck dead hard 🎉😂
I am coming back to this video to say yes the solo que teammates are actual new people somehow
Yeah the DCs and hook suicides are worse in my experience as 80% solo 20% survive with 1 friend. Those kinds can leave for all I care, I'd rather wait longer to get a genuinely fun match than play with people who just make the whole experience terrible. I've found running Inner Strength and Overzealous to be a fun combo, as you get an 8 second heal and a 10-20% gen repair bonus that resets whenever you take a hit. Combined with SB and Adrenaline I've at least put together a better escape rate than Scott, but I don't think I've escaped a single game where there's been a DC/hook suicide. And unfortunately it's so prevalent that 99% of killers don't even start to take it a little easy. A month or two ago when playing killer, if there was a DC I would lighten up a little because I think the goal of the game is for everyone to get at least a safety pip. I wouldn't just let everyone escape but I'd break of chases and give them time to reset. But the killers I face play the same intensity regardless of whether someone is trying to ruin the others' experiences.
I’ve been playing a lot of killer since the patch dropped and I’ve seen at least one DC in the majority of my games. And not even at 5 gens – there are times where I’m super behind as killer and as I’m carrying them to a hook they DC. What??? I don’t tunnel, I don’t camp, and I try not to slug for long as Twins. Makes me not even want to touch survivor if this is how people are acting when it’s a fair killer.
Protesting the changes and killing yourself on hook just to skew stats reeks of idiotic entitlement and its kind of sad that there are that many players in that boat. Absolutely zero reason to not even try. But that is the downside of introducing good perks into a game that gets balanced around no voice comms, yet voice comms happen, so those perks eventually have to be changed, likely several times.
If you're this petty over not being to heal yourself in 5 seconds and because you can't use Dead Hard as much as you want in a match, then you just aren't that good. Exhaustion perks can be fun, but they are not necessary. Acting as if it is only highlights the problem it had, although I didn't mind where it was before this patch. But there are other factors in a change like this and some of those factors probably don't apply to the majority of players. Still doesn't mean those factors should be ignored when trying to balance. 😊
This patch inspired me to get back into the game as a killer main and every game is either getting sent to a bad map for me and steamrolled because im either rusty or just not as good as the survivors, OR a super easy match when the first guy I down kills themself or dc. Its getting boring already and ive only been back like 3 days
I am just so happy i quit this game
Maybe if Scott thinks everyone sux at the game, they should quit playing. Kinda like I am. Wonder what happens when nobody plays a game tho? 😂
Skill issue
Every game I played we lost because the survivors were bad at planning and freaked out with a little pressure. They weren’t even new. Was putting shadowstep everywhere one the map and they kept killing my boons by cleansing the totems and NONE of the killers were even running noed at the end. Every game I won was by hatch because the killer couldn’t see my footsteps
I played for 3 hours today and escaped 0 matches
Skill Issue
Scott, I feel you're being a hypocrite in this rant about players dcing or leaving a match they don't like when you openly dc on certain map spawns alone and found a loophole to avoid penaltys
I play survivor almost exclusively and it may be mmr but I'm escaping more trials now. Only difference is there's less interaction with either side and it's a slog not having a struggle any more, killers can't challenge gens and survivors healing for 24 seconds isn't fun or engaging for a game where chases are the exciting part and hit and run doesn't help a killer slow the game down.
For the record it's sad but the build I find stupid and effective is overcome, botany, self care and off the record with a stacked tool box. It's 6 seconds slower than a medkit, infinite, overcome means hit distance I game is more than I spend healing and off the record is just easy value in a game where tunneling is the only effective slowdown besides temp stuff like deadlock or the almost omnipresent noed I've seen for the week
Remove the option to try to escape off hook 🪝
I noticed a lot in the games that I play as survivor is that teammates aren't unhooking I cant tell you how many times i've died on first hook since this new patch has came out.
TLDW The changes are good, Scott is having a miserable time losing to baby killers and DBD community is a bunch of b****s, thank you for your time.
I was actually wondering if DC penalties were off or if we were having connection issues again, because every other game i had someone disconnect, its actually so frustrating, to be honest i forgot the dead hard changes and medkit changes were a thing since i both never run items and dont use exhaustion perks, and i was so confused on why people were dc'ing, and its true nothing really changed about the game, if anything its less frustrating without some oppresive perks but even then i cant say my MMR is high enough that i saw them every game, really i hope the community tantrum blows over after a while because right now despite enjoying chases and whatnot, it is annoying when the game is already lost because someone dc'd or im dead on hook 1 because the guys with 4 hours on the game are too scared to go get the unhook, not that i can blame the latter though, i shouldnt really be here with them
It's insane to me that DCing is so unpunished in DBD. Each dc should lengthen the penalty. I swear almost nobody gets more than a 5 minute ban
A lot of people play like shit in solo queue. It has nothing to do with the heal nerfs.
As Chairman of The Coalition to Bring back Dead Hard, my completely unbiased opinion is that DH should be reverted or at least tweaked. But again….this is my completely unbiased opinon…
I stopped trying to escape & go for crazy saves or challenges & the game has actually been kinda fun.
Some info perks like kindred and empathy should be base kit. It would help a lot having these as a solo player. It's not like they are OP or something.
My survivor MMR is rock bottom because I hardly ever escape and the games are awful. My killer MMR is sky high and all my matches end in 4 mins because the gens go so quick. I don't know what to do. Right now the game is optimized to counter fun.
I’m glad you all deserve this for getting our perks nerfed into the ground! Cry louder.
With medkits and COH heavily nerfed, it's a nightmare to get healed in soloq. So I'm not surprised everyone is miserable and giving up at the first sign that the match is lost.
I've had so many games where the survivor just kills themselves on first hook or DC when it's nurse. I've also noticed that tunnelling and camping have gotten significantly worse. Both communities are ruining soloQ.
You'd think killers would chill out after the healing nerf, since playing on that side should be mostly easier, but apparently it's a 50/50 on either friendly farming or a sweatfest galore
But I thought there was no complaints with this patch? But it makes sense because solo que being rough is just how you like it. If we had it his way we would have no information at all again. If you’re solo this dude wants you to play with your eyes closed so the killers feelings don’t get hurt by you knowing what your TEAMMATE IS DOING.
Same! Glad you said it cause nobody else is! Thank you for taking the time to see it from both sides.
I've only been protesting against Skull Merch. Otherwise, I play every other game.
Dead hard was nice when killer tunneld. I had alot of games killer know it can camp much eazier beczuse of the healing nerf. The number 1 perfect example. Is a lvl 3 infinitite Myers. Where i culd counterplay him by using dead hard. Now a infinite Myers can camp without any problem. There should be like a perk where the killer is within 8 meters of a hooked survivor. Like 90% more gen repair
The flashlight meme to blind wraith or counterplay nurse , hag is zlso zadly over
Honestly a big part of it is the community is so prone to throwing tantrums and being toxic to EVERYTHING on BOTH sides, alongside people bringing their frustrations from one game into the next and continue the cycle of crappy attitudes. Everyone used to joke league had the most toxic community but honestly I feel DBD has taken up that mantle.