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When you carry your team but get abandoned 🙁
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hey ardetha lets go on a date
your gaming chair is cracked bro
Bro are you HACKING?!?!?!?! TOO cracked bro
Let's take a moment to appreciate the Pig sliding across to pallet and out of the screen at 2:15
Personally I think you 4 should compete together. Best teamwork I've ever seen. 🤣🤣
The one and only reason i never want to play this game is cause of my random teammates idc ab the map the killer or anything i just want teammates with more than 10iq
The dbd experience 😭
Does he reply?
Ardetha god
I would simply let the killer carry me uwu
This video is proof that pig needs a serious buff xD
That ending reminded me why I don't play DBD anymore lmao
I’d say roughly 33% of my games end like that.
What was the great skill check perk he was using?
says in description what happends, says wait till end in video.
This channel is the definition of underrated
7:51 dude, pretty much the same thing happened to me and I literally SCREAMED XD although I was on my 1st hook, KOBE'ED for the first time ever and escaped….and then I trashed two survivors lol
Ardetha, what pc rig do you have?
Bruh do killer videos
Where can i hear this sick beat in the background (gameplay)?
just imagine if youd had adrenaline and dead hard. that piggy wouldve been doomed
Ardetha: How to carry you team.
Me: I’ll do you one better, I’ll use agitation iron grasp mad girt bubba
"What the Fu-" Music Plays
Great video as always. Wednesday best day when Ardetha's video pops up <3.
2:15 average pig mindgamer
When i am getting visions on spotifu sir?
This one had me laughing. Great video as always Ardetha.
Do some more zimbabwe bubba pls
Ardetha: they won't leave me, I looped killer while they were repairing
Teammates: we are pleased of your sacrifice
Should’ve named the video “Solo queue in a nutshell”
That was really dope, amazing loops nice 😎
Wow that’s insane, they were like this guy did nothing I did all the gens let’s go bro.😂
Wtf is Meg wearing. Maverick Merch?
Meg got her Karen gear on
that's so toxic yawning in front of a killer trying to mindgame a very safe pallet, i like it
Yesterday two teammates opened the gate while I was being tunneled by the pig and I died since they didn't leave so I could go find the hatch. Then in the end chat they told me I didn't do anything (did 3 gens and got chased whole game what am I supposed to do) and then wanted me to leave through the gate? With a pig trap that was on? Just wow. Apparently I was 'messing' with the killer and should've just ran out. Yeah right
Sick video! Whats that drum beat in the back in every vid?
Hey Ardetha, just want to say i really love watching your videos, your talking is entertaining and the gameplays are always so nice.
I am a pig main, and I crave any video footage for Pig-head haha, also, Coldwind farm is my favourite map as well so this video was extra fun for me!
love the way you talk funny and roast the killer like how in 3:53 the piontless mindgame when she looked away even though she was 1 step away hahaha
The "WOAHHHWWWOAH" at 7:10 was hilarious lol
The slow, sad zooming in to the teamates that just leave you to rot is heatbreaking though at 7:30. I find it really hard to rank up and i just get moments like that all the time.
you're so amazing at this game, the loops you did were superb, really good gameplay my man, keep up the good work.
Literally became the perk “Left Behind”
I play solo survivor a lot, and if my teammates are just farming hooks off eachother in front of the killer while I do all the gens, fuck em I leave Lol
One time I played with two identical Dwights that both DC's at the start of the game. Luckily, the Myers was nice and let us farm all our bloodpoints and even let me escape. Got a double pip from that bro.
I still want to see the build in action. Make another?
Hang in there Ard🤣
How did the instant dc not cancel the match thooo
Solo queue is hard but it has made me strong
And this is why I couldn't play survivor, I would just do so much and get no respect from my team. You didn't deserve that death. :T