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Hang on, let me bait my DS while deadhook real quick…
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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Hang on, let me bait my DS while deadhook real quick…
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FIRST! Love you John, love from John.
A Mikaela hid in a locker not even 8m away from me, when I was the first hook. I had kindred, the Oni lost his wrath, and they hid until I got to death hook. When I finally got unhooked, the Oni was on his way back and waited out BT. Happy he got the 4k, though.
Just play with friend lol solo q is not fun
Solo Que is literal torture. It’s why I just play killer 🤣
That open handed kindred is just too good. If only I had Ace.
Keeping one's sanity in Solo Q? That's a tall order.
At least we have John's fashions to help us pull through!
THANKS SO MUCH for the TwitchCon photos – you 4 are all unbearably adorable! 😍🥰
(Especially the one of you and Kimmy – you two's fashion is [chef's kiss]. Her dress is gorgeous!)
Let's take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into his content for us
wait the doctor can also see the hallucinations the survivors see when they get shocked too much?
john is too selfless a player
Why did that Yun Jin in that Doctor game try to bait DS after seeing how hard that failed with Leon. What did she think would happen.
I love how you compliment the Mikaela she seem fun too play and very funny I like how you was screw this lobby get the Mikaela back
Solo queue feels like it’s getting more unbearable over time. Meanwhile swfing is the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game (not to say that solo queue doesn’t have its fun good moments).
Oh, solo queue, how I love you. A long list of solo queue experiences I've had:
-A Nea who tried kobe-ing twice despite me running towards her to unhook. When I was quite literally two feet in front of her, she tried kobe-ing a third time and got herself to second stage. It wasn't even like she gave up either, because she kept pushing gens afterwards.
-A Claudette who couldn't make it to the exit gate twenty feet away even with 12 seconds of endurance and dead hard.
-An Adam and Kate who left my friend to die on 1st hook whilst I was being chased on the other side of the map.
-Countless masked Megs who play like it's their first match ever (I legitimately need a psychologist to study the relationship here, it's such a strong correlation it's insane), including one who got snatched off a generator once and then refused to repair generators for fear of getting snatched off again.
-A Steve who sandbagged my friend by throwing a pallet in her face and letting her take the hit (she was injured and had been hooked, he was uninjured and had zero hooks).
-A No Mither Laurie whose ass I saved by pulling off a Styptic Agent play while she wiggled off, only to get downed yet again in like 9 seconds.
-A Mikaela that, while I was working on a generator (Midwich), came into the room, ran a lap around the room, and then left, without helping me finish the gen. Pretty sure that was the match I did the only three gens myself and also did like 6 saves/pickups.
-A Feng Min who simped for Myers, followed him around, and fed him a 10-course meal (he was infinite tombstone btw).
-A Haddie who tried ratting me out to the killer for some reason (I guess because I was pushing gens instead of actively trying to get chased by the killer?). When I did eventually get hooked, I 4%ed (lol) and also unhooked her later and helped her finish a gen, because being helped by someone you tried to sabotage probably stings a lot.
-A Claudette who wanted to "boop the snoot" and got my friend killed by not leaving (active bear trap, could only escape with hatch). Then proceeded to say there was nothing she could do because my friend was being chased anyway. Like, even if the chances were slim, you can't act like you didn't ensure those chances were zero.
-A Nea who watched me cleanse the Ruin totem for 14 seconds instead of starting the gen 2 feet away. Also watched from the 2nd story of the Crotus Prenn chapel when I got downed, instead of working on the gen 2 feet away.
-A Meg who ran out with an active bear trap (I think she didn't know) and died. It was like slow motion, seeing her open the gate, dart out, and get head-popped, and I felt so helpless but it was also so funny. Bless her heart.
-And on several occasions, DCs on first HIT. Not even hook. Not even getting downed the first time. Hit. ONCE.
But, other times, there are some blessed moments, such as:
-A Bill getting into a locker in killer shack just before we finished the gen in there. As the killer approached, we popped the gen and Bill did a Head-On play to the killer as we dispersed.
-Two other SWFers we found while I played with my friend and we all played RE characters (although I was discount Claire as Meg in the L4D skin, but nonetheless very funny). We played several matches with them for the night.
-A goddess of a Jane who flashlight saved me like 3 times.
-A David me and two friends played with. While he didn't do anything remarkable, it was a massive turn-around match against Nemesis where we all got out despite at one point we were all down/hooked, only saved by me 4%ing off hook and somehow managing to reset the match. Was literally insane. Such good coordination even without him communicating with the rest of us.
Can't wait for the update that's going to make solo queue even worse.
I’m always terrified that I’m going to end up in a match with John, and do terrible 😂 especially when I decide to knock out a killer challenge
This made me miss your streams more🥲
All fun n games until pimpin ain't easy joins the lobby
Do I have DS unlocked? Yes.
Have I ever used it? Like once.
I prefer to play without and bait my imaginary DS and imaginary Dead Hard and see how far it takes me lol.
Doctor Hallucinations are only visible to him when a survivor is at madness tier 3 unless he has specific add-ons that let him see them no matter what
Nice hatch!
The fact the lobby closed after all that hype. Lmao
that hatch escape was perfect lol!!
All of these matches were so good, but the Huntress one was probably my favorite, love to get a good random lobby pulling off teamwork like that! Although the Doctor match was great too esp with the ending, and the Nurse match was so fun (esp that stealth Nurse hit to start with, seeing her glide into frame all silent like that was really spooky lol). Hope you and Kimmy are having tons of fun on your break!
The one & only John a solid DbD player mates🔥 Been learning a lot from u thank u!
Seemed like the nurse mighta been cheatin a bit. I probably run across one cheater in any binge of dbd i play. Like seriously every hour at least one n i dont mean oh hes good so hes cheating i mean not one aura perk at all n yet the killer will be on you no terror radius from across the map when u heal move or gen tech. Wiggle is impossible n they dont falter at any pallet hit or slow down when vaulting.Its crazy. No perks or addons whatsoever to make it possoble either.
I want with abated breath for the How to DBD for Dummies series. This is the stuff I love
I will never EVER understand the surv decision to run STRAIGHT TO THE CLOSE GATE right after last gen. Fucking why. JUST HIDE.
7:12 is understandable, let not the one perk slot go to waste now.