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20 thoughts on “SOLO SURVIVOR IS GETTING REALLY DUMB! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Yeah, yesterday, I was playing with a friend and the 2 random survivors we've been getting have been so useless. Most of them have been running around aimlessly or doing totems when there aren't any hex perks. And there was this one Leon who had the audacity to get mad that my friend did a totem and refused to do any gens after that.

  2. I have been a fan for years. I love your content. But im not going to lie it felt good to see this solo game play happen to you. Because I would say 90% of my solo survivor games I play I am the only one doing gens. Then I switch to play killer and gens pop faster then my eyes can blink. Its good to know im not alone haha.

  3. I believe the ones with a lot of hours, most likely are part of their own SWFs. And most likely were the weakest of their perspective SWFs and/or constantly being carried by them. Or…they were just trollin'?

  4. Don't look for people doing gens with an event going on they'll be doing the event over and over again destroying pumpkins around and going into the void for no reasons. Usually people are useless as survivor on this game but with an event it's even worse

  5. It's because DbD has been too mainstream for a LONG time now. People play a match or two then get back on animal crossing or whatever casual game they decide to invest their next hour into. BHVR caters to these casuals. You can have thousands of hours into DbD but if your not a gamer…your not gaming.

  6. If the devs were competent they’d make it so survivors that haven’t worked on a gen in X amount of time without bein chased get insta killed by the entity like in end game collapse n just so it doesn’t get abused cuz we all know survivors will just tap a gen to ignore the penalty they have to stay on it for X amount of time or they still die

  7. I get the same thing, some solo games NO ONE does gens. But then when I play killer, 2 gens pop after the first 40 second chase and unless I use 2-3 regression perks consistently the game ends quickly. I'm not even that good and I'm facing these sweats somehow.

  8. That donation around at 12 minutes of the video, I have thought about it too. Like with the devs implementing buffs to survivors and nerfs to killers, a huge balance would be to make it so you only hook survivors twice. Obviously including more anti-camping mechanics. That would make killers to go for more chases and worry less about tunneling.

  9. That team was absolutely abysmal. Behavior needs to bring back real MMR and balance around that. Tru, you stream for long hours everyday and if mmr was working, you should never get a team like that

  10. This is why I don’t ever play anymore. Everyone of my friends has moved on. And I solo queue and it’s fucking unreal. The. I play killer and it’s like I got a team of full communication and they are watching each others screens. And then I’m sweating my ass off and playing like a piece of shit just to get a 3k. But True I’ve been playing a game called Dysmantled. Super chill game. Try it if you can. It’s on sale right now for like 6 or 7 pounds. I’m American so I don’t know the conversion exactly, but something like that.


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