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These Survivors sure are looking hurt, should someone call in a Nurse?
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Nurse Gameplay!
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#dbd #Nurse #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
I haven't played in years but still watch your content, find it so entertaining!
rare nurse content! always a good vid from Red, especially since i cant attend the live streams as often as i used too. keep up the amazing work my guy!
Damn dude, your killer skills are crazy! I've been playing this game around 2 months, not alot but I'm getting better. Ever since I started watching your videos my killer skills improved HEAVILY, I'm so much better at chases and predicting movements, thanks a ton man!
11:20 of course that made it into this video. Now people from all over can witness that shameful moment. I will never forgive myself for that
30 days of nurse is definitely one I'd watch, just to see how good you can get with the blinks
I seriously don't understand the hit-zones. There were hits where it just straight up overshots by a mile, but as long as you flick your mouse hard enough, you can hit those
I'm always calling for nurse
I already know those survivors in the second game talked shit cause you didn’t let them use their builds lol
yo red! i just played against you on swamp, you were huntress. i was ms. carriage lol. gonna watch this vid then go to bed, awesome playing against you and i'll be in the stream tomorrow night!
Oh, that second game was delicious honestly, I'd have just let them ALL bleed out, then called them out on their toxicity if they cried afterwards, again it's such a joy watching a really good killer player be able to read and outplay the toxic survivor groups
I wish they’re was a killer
tutorial, its hard to learn a new killer on the fly. This game is outdated in certain aspects 🙄
Why do you make nurse seem
O.p af lmao.
I missed this stream ?!?!? Extremely disappointed in myself…
Bryan Serina and I approve of this video,10/10 ign.
Is it me or did they nerf bbq&Chili? I dont remember it being 40m? I thought it was 32m? 🧐
Ayeee love to see the nurse games
I swear the killers down survivors just to grab some booty
Hi red please use Ringu Next time
I'm just wondering if its good or bad that Zennethes company got bought out xD