Spirit uses this perk better than anyone | Dead by Daylight

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This video explains why “Awakened Awareness” is a deceptively powerful perk on Spirit. This comes from the fact that her power keeps Survivors guessing and often makes them think they’re safe until the last second. And the best part? You’re very likely to pull this off multiple times because people just don’t instinctively pre-run against her the same way they do against Nurse. Watch the match and see for yourself!

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49 thoughts on “Spirit uses this perk better than anyone | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm happy that killer mains can have fun like this. But you can definitely tell that the game needs some serious rebalancing when fun = "people will accuse you of cheating". Both sides need some serious balance-love. Game is wacky the way it is.

  2. I feel like Deathslinger could make this build viable as well. You use Awakened Awareness to see where they run off to, hook, then chase quickly, maybe getting a down with Starstruck. Maybe run Lethal Pursuer and A Nurses Calling/ Gen Slowdown as well.


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