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This video explains why “Awakened Awareness” is a deceptively powerful perk on Spirit. This comes from the fact that her power keeps Survivors guessing and often makes them think they’re safe until the last second. And the best part? You’re very likely to pull this off multiple times because people just don’t instinctively pre-run against her the same way they do against Nurse. Watch the match and see for yourself!
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i cant stop thinking about otzdarva saying "awawa"
you got me in 7 seconds you old bastard
1:33 the fact that this is still in the game proves its intentional (and i love it)
Hey otz this is friends
awa awa
Love trying out Otz Builds, it’s the obly thing that can actually get me to play the game anymore most of the time
You can't just say 'Awawa' like that and continue like nothing happened.
That sad play from the comp corner Jeff, he just tbagged thinking he’d probably escape with a wiggle just for you to hook them in 2 seconds
Awawa uwu
I give it a month before people start referring to it as "awa awa"
Otz calling saying he got decent value from this combo after stomping the survivors 💀
1:30 first thing I see from coming back from getting cereal and I see spirits ass
why is it Always with spirit that you got the caméra bug at the beginning (which makes you see her dumbtruck) ??
it happens every 2 or 3 game (x
Can I get an "Awa Awa"
1:33 that ass, i think i like this game.
Hey Otz that Yui had not just brand new part but also Hyperfocus
OTZ ur to nasty sheeeeshhhhhhhhhhhh
LOL! What's with the booty shot? 🤣🤣🤣
I thought they changed awakened awareness to no longer have a lingering aura reading 🤔
Otz describing awakened awareness shorter version be like
any build that makes good use of jolt always makes me smile. i love that perk!
Awawa is taking off and I love it.
And here I was, thinking about playing Spirit again. Thanks für the build suggestion, Otz!
Hello friends, this is Otz, according to a survey conducted by Pew Research
@0:05 Like an Elephant! * thinks of Soul Plane*
otz otz, otz otz otz
He just called the Spirit "he"
That is a really nasty build
1:34 I swear BHVR makes Spirits panning camera angle always end up on her ass. It literally happens every spirit game. Otz is lucky he was wearing that cosmetic or the demonetization hammer woulda been brought down
Brand new part isn’t overpowers💀
Otz very seriously saying "Awawa" so fucking dead serious cracked me up so much.
I'm happy that killer mains can have fun like this. But you can definitely tell that the game needs some serious rebalancing when fun = "people will accuse you of cheating". Both sides need some serious balance-love. Game is wacky the way it is.
I’m terrified of AwaAwa
I feel like Deathslinger could make this build viable as well. You use Awakened Awareness to see where they run off to, hook, then chase quickly, maybe getting a down with Starstruck. Maybe run Lethal Pursuer and A Nurses Calling/ Gen Slowdown as well.
Awawa indeed
This has me thinking that a Blindfolded Spirit challenge would be very fun. (With the exception being picking up and hooking)
Gen time increased, runs a build that's super oppressive and decimates team, continues to complain about what the other side gets… smh
Oh no… first it was uwu, then owo…
Thinking otz hasn't watched benjo with a starstruck build
We need to once again have a compilation of "Hello friends, this is Otz."
Love the killer build videos please do more
What a chad offering
Hackusations 😂
Bro your brain is massive
Man i love awawa