Streamer Whitelist for Disconnecting Probably isn't the Correct Bandaid – Dead by Daylight

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I think going the opposite direction with a simple blacklist system would make it a bit easier to deal with, as whitelists don’t counter the lobby injection that ruins the game regardless.


23 thoughts on “Streamer Whitelist for Disconnecting Probably isn't the Correct Bandaid – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Overwatch has been doing it for years. You can block 3 people from appearing in your matches for 7 days and when that expires you can block someone else for the next week and so on.

  2. while i think you cant eliminate cheaters i do think that like you said just instantly ban someone who is moving at 200%+ speed or teleporting or instantly going gens would not be hard.

  3. about the cheating problem the only real way to solve it is to have a dedicated team to deal with and always working on the code because hacking is a legit war where one side has to always have the advantage and bhvr i doubt can even fix it at this point since it would require them to actually hire people who know how to make a anti cheat and update/a team who checks reports

  4. a thing that would help tremendously would be a little popup after starting the game telling you when someone you have reported has been banned. a few months ago we had a huge cheater/bot problem even for people that are not streaming and i reported them. sadly reporting cheaters takes probably longer than it takes them to switch epicgames accounts. at some points i just stopped reporting people because i felt like it wasnt doing anything. also the way of properly reporting someone is just ridiculous, with you needing to go to an external website, starting a chat with a bot, having video proof (i can easily get with shadowplay but maybe some people dont – especially console), cutting that video, uploading it to youtube and sending them the link.

  5. Wasn’t the MLGA way of blacklisting is just disconnect from lobby and start queue again? In that way blocking cheaters with injections would just make queues for the streamers infinite?

  6. I don't understand why don't they give more attention to banning cheaters when it basically gives them free money. The faster behaviour bans cheaters, the faster they will buy dbd on new account.

  7. I had an idea a long time ago where for a period of 3 days, similar to the bloodlust test, we would do a killer blacklist test where you could block 2 killers to never go against, just to prove that everyone hates nurse.

  8. Like you were saying earlier Scott, I believe that they should find some way to detect a cheater in matches by say, if the generator is being done in one second, or the survivor/killer is going way too fast that the game can't actually allow, then it should automatically kick that player from the match. One could argue that there could be flaws with that method, but it seems like a viable choice, if only BHVR was advanced enough to do that which in that case they are, it'd take years most likely for anything to take affect

  9. That's actually pretty good and rational idea. Only problem I could see with this is that average short tempered person will block people at night queue, basically blacklisting from up to 12 people if they are already in a lobby and then proceed to whine about it when it's taking longer when other people do the same.

  10. I just think that no ”ingame” anti-cheat system will fix cheating unless BHVR takes the legal route. If people who sell/ use cheats are faced with real consequenses then it will do soemthing.

  11. Would be cool if everyone has a limit of like 5 players on their blocklist but the cap increases if players in their list get banned for cheating after investigation

  12. It's so sad. Last night I got 4 hackers which were all holding hostage. After my 3rd dc, which was a 15 minute timer, I ended up against a big streamer. Yep held hostage. Hacker let the 3 other survivors die. Not me though, wouldn't let me leave the game. Resetting gens, blinding the killer whenever he tried to get me. After 30 minutes, I had to dc. I think I got a 30 minute ban? I dunno, I closed the game after that. Genuinely feels unplayable rn.

  13. Honestly I think the DC penalty should just be removed.

    If a survivor really doesnt want to play out a match properly, nothing is forcing them to. They can jump in and out of a locker till the killer gets annoyed, and then kill themselves on hook. If they slug them, they die in 4 minutes or get healed and go back to locker spaming. If a killer wants to stand with their face in a corner and not interact with the survivors anymore and effectivly ruin the game they can.

    My point is: if someone wants to sandbag, nothing is stoping them. The only thing the DC penalty does is delay the process, and I feel like anyone in a 3v1 as a survivor, or in a game with an afk killer, would rather just move on to the next game and hope its better. This game is not competitive, and theres too many unfun scenearios that exist to where everyone has things they just refuse to play out: omegablink nurse is the most obvious example of something most people just dont want to play against.

    As for the counter argument of "well then you could never play as x, or with x add on, cause people would always DC", then that just means that x should really be evaluated for how healthy it is for the game, and either majorly tweaked or removed.

  14. I would love to have a limited blacklist but more around 10 people and also a last time online feature so you know when to remove people because not only you will encounter more than 3 different cheaters you would also not know when they were banned and also I need it to block some toxic people because f facecamping bubbas I would rather be destroyed in the most unfaire match than have to deal with another one

  15. What Behavior should do would be to make their game a Server-Authoritative Game. Of course, this would require a complete recode of the current way the game works and increase the strain on the already terrible servers, so it would probably never happen, but until you implent Server-Sided verification into the game, you will NEVER get rid of Cheaters. In most cases, the only one who can stop cheats is the server by monitoring which packets are sent from who and what it is requesting and just straight up denying it if it is out of the maximum range that perks can give (potentially even disconnecting said packet sender). Overall, I don't see any of this happening which is kinda sad and means cheats will eat this game alive for the rest of it's existence.


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