Super Lunging at Survivors with Coup and Iri Photocard | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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We are using a really fun build this video, where we combine coup de grace and iridescent photocard to get some insane lunges on survivors after they are exposed with the addon. As far as most memey killer builds go, this one is actually pretty viable in terms of it’s effectiveness, and is also a ton of fun.

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​

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50 thoughts on “Super Lunging at Survivors with Coup and Iri Photocard | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Dude I've always enjoyed your videos and I've been subscribed for a long time so I think it's safe for me to say this now…. lay off the caffeine bro lmao You talk so fast and so much that I would hate to see you on meth or coke, someone would kill you for talking too much before the drugs would lol again I love your content, learned much from you over the years. Take care and drink some Sanka lol Take care bro.

  2. That was a great YYYYEEEEUUUURRRRRRRT at the hay bale loop. Gotta love coup, I’d be interested to see this with save the best for last, always like running that on Trickster if I get a free m1, allows for easier follow ups with knives or possible coup plays

  3. The purple reflections come from the Trickster's bat in this skin. Because of how the reflections work in this game, any light-emitting material on your screen tints reflections even if it doesn't make sense.

  4. Would be cool if you actually played the game and didn’t lose time looking at “purple” lights or letting Survivors escape by letting go of a useless brown toolbox.

  5. From my experience Feng players are the worst teammates. It doesnt help that a feng rage quit in the second game.

    By the way, as a meg main I take no offense to your Meg jokes because they're kinda true 😅

  6. Tofu i love the content, but in the second game you ran dead mans switch + pain resonance + strong irri addon then complained that the survivors gave up. You fairly complained in previous videos about dead hard, but this sort of build feels the same way for survivors. Awesome video overall, but i wouldn't hold it against them for giving up, they're just not having fun against your build similar to how many killers don't have fun against dead hard + bt + ds + unbreakable

  7. I have an idea for a video or possible series for you. Do at least a single game using a steering wheel as controller. especially for Billy. I saw someone do a double boot add on Billy video using a steering wheel and it looked really fun. It also looked oddly viable for him especiaally. Just a thought.

  8. 20:25 how did u not see this david tofu? baahahaha still fun video coup d'gra is a seriously underated fun killer perk defo worth on non m1 killers. People aren't expecting it because twins is a very forgotten about killer I think and there is more meta builds out there.

  9. The reason why survivors give up so easily is because they have the option to just leave a match whenever they want without a D/C penalty. You don't see nearly as many killers giving up because they literally don't have that option without suffering a 5 minute D/C penalty. A survivor just goes in front of a killer and kills themselves on hook if they feel like getting out of the match whereas the only way for killers to exit the match is if the survivors all die or escape and that's just not something the killer can control. The closest thing a killer has to giving up is opening the exit gates themselves after the survivors have decided to finish all the gens and even then the survivors will probably just sit at the exit and teabag you while clicking their goddamned flashlights for an eternity.

  10. just a random note, but “coup de grâce” is pronounced with the “s” sound (coo-day-grahs), otherwise you’re saying “coup de gras” (coo-day-grah) which means fat stroke or fat hit lol

  11. It’s so depressing even as survivor to watch all your teammates give up and leave you to die. I feel bad for the Yoichi and the Feng who were actually trying in that last game. I really appreciate the killers who give the last survivor hatch in a given up game, but I also don’t blame killers for getting any kill they can in such a pointless match.


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