"Survivor mistakes don't matter." | Dead by Daylight

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Just two interesting games where Survivors made a big enough mistake to help me turn things around. Hope you find it interesting and perhaps helpful to identify the mistakes your own Survivors make. 😊

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23 thoughts on “"Survivor mistakes don't matter." | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Survivor mistakes pretty much made my unwinnable pinhead games to easy 4Ks, like making the oblivious survivor solving the box, or not solving the box at all. I'd say it's pretty even when it comes to killer mistakes and survivor mistakes (the game is already favored to the survivors in the first place anyways)

  2. Tbh I don't think the first game counts as a prof, even with the great info it would be in vain if meg didn't troll and gave myers free stalk and Play with your food, however great video as always.

  3. Honestly I feel bad for that Jake. He just had to look at the hud the entire game while doing gens and thinking "wtf are these guys doing" and the second he gets in chase he gets instadowned.

  4. Otz – "Survivors mistakes can cost them the game"
    Survivors – Committing dozen of game-ending mistakes and game still lasting a long time so they can make even more game-ending mistakes as well as finishing 4 gens

  5. Survivor mistakes can easily be made up for with good teamwork and their is no way around that, it is true killer mistakes cost alot more but in the mmr system (2 good 2 bad) that doesn't happen as often, if we were talking like an actual good comp team with 4 DH DS then yes 1 killer mistake will lose you the entire game because their coordination outpressures you that hard, survivor mistakes arnt costly at all depending on the killer your using if your vs an actual good team. I dont think we really should be looking at public matches with a inaccurate mmr system to prove if your point is right or wrong imo just because mmr is inaccurate. You also have to take into account the killer your using and the map you also get. Sorry Otz, I love your content but I seriously have to disagree with this take due to the variables that can play into account and the fact we are basing it off an inaccurate mmr system.

  6. I do think that killer mistakes matter more than survivor mistakes, 1 whiff and you can lose a whole match whereas you can win a survivor match with only 3 players on the team, so a survivor making a mistake isn’t as bad, it does depend on which killer and how early in the game though!

  7. Activates tier 3 and gets what should be massive pressure/potential game changer while the survivors get outplayed=2 1st hooks. Unbreakable saved them there. That’s why survivors have it much easier. Also, two gens done in 10 minutes=trash tier team.


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