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The question of why the killer camps at endgame has always been interesting to me. What and why it’s a confusing moment for survivors that a killer hangs around the endgame hook.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT


12 thoughts on “SURVIVOR SALTY LEARNS WHY I CAMP | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The very bottom Jake had so much time to save and he just stayed behind the wall for some reason and then when jay found him he just ran around the hook but yeah the killer is the one camping cuz survivors can't make mistakes, he really did all that and then had the nerve to complain, some survivors are really entitled

  2. Hillbilly is one of the harder killers to properly learn and get really good with.. I used to play him a fair amount but I just have never really liked playing him all that much since his rework. They got rid of a lot of trick areas when they reworked him.. You can still do some of those but a lot where removed. These tricks I am talking about are skybilly tricks. I suggest trying those once you finally feel comfortable with playing him normally. Side note, you can slide off of object to a degree as Hillbilly but its oddly a thing that does not always work. It requires you to learn the proper angles that you need to be going at when bumping into a corner.. and its also something that got nerfed as well as its now harder to pull off than it used to be…

    Hillbilly is one of those killers that have a higher skill cap than most people know and/or give credit to. Like Nurse he requires a lot of practice and learning. Once you get there is very rewarding though.

  3. Gotta love DBD at times.. That end part for example.. lol.. Gotta love DBD at times when that happens… Though I prefer it only to really happen when said survivor is the one who did the most work on objectives and so forth and not someone that basically sat around for most of it… But it can not be helped.

  4. If u play both sides 50% 50% u should understand both ways ur ok but if u still want too read this u can

    Ok for anyone that's only a survivor main and not play killers at all needs to understand this ok and pls try to understand ok don't just be like ppphhhffff they just camp and tunnel if u don't care about it then ok but anyone who seriously needs to know why then just listen

    Just as Jay says When it comes down to the weather it's 2 or 1 gens if there are no kills yet someone has to be tunnel out quick making it 3 if there is someone on death hook they need to be gone quickly cause then there 3 someone on second stage two survivors left someone finishes the gen and if someone want to trade go for it injure and then down for the trade and if they are on second stage the one doing a gen better get over here and let someone else finish it cause if the one who just got off uses there bt or off the record they basically sacrifice themselves for u and we'll just depends on the situation for end game if someone dead the one who has only been hooked once should go do it and just die for a 2k cause if anyone else goes it be a cycle and could end up as a 3k or anything

    Survivors I get it u hate camps and tunnels but it's like u don't think killers hate doing it half the time but has too cause of the gens and etc u say u want to have fun but u think it's always ruined when they camp and tunnel well guess what it's not ruined like I honestly would say if there was a hacker/cheater that's basically just ruining a game cause of what they do how can u say the camps and tunnels ruin the game when their are hackers/cheaters in the game even if u mess around after just to get some points that good for now cause as u know hacks/cheats loves to take hostage so why u think killers let u leave cause they don't want u too end up being taken that's like the only time killers will accept the escapes caus of that they want u too keep playing while they stay also if u do end up being taken hostage if u have ways to play the game on multiple devices that's perfect leave the one up and play on the other one hehehe cause then killers be keeping them in too cause they rather do that then dc cause that's how they do things if u seen spook n jukes u know he is prepared for this no I'm not shouting him out he an example for one of the getting held hostage type

    But anyway survivors this game been out since 2016 it's 2022 stop making up these rules u want killers to follow stop your crying and just play the game as best u can win tie or lose if u still had fun that's great but if ur someone that just didn't have fun your way then I'm but I would say u wouldn't matter much cause u like to have fun your own way without thinking about other people feelings even tho I say killers shouldn't be thinking like that cause they are supposed to be killing for Their fun they can be friendly if they want but then it would just think other reasons for survivors mostly either way

    Now if u made it this far sorry but if u still don't care at this point then ok it's whatever u don't have too but if u do understand then 👏👏👏👏 thank u for understanding both sides can be hard but if u can understand it both ways then u can never get pass it it's not like u have to play both sides to understand it if u see others playing and u see how hard it is both ways that's good

  5. Yeah, I wouldn't call that camping at the endgame there. You literally went across the map, first of all, and only went back to the hook cause you saw scratch marks. Not to mention who really gives a shit about the survivor rulebook, anyways. I don't even when I play survivor. 😉

  6. I don’t understand survivors complaining about camping at endgame. It’s endgame, the killer is just securing another kill and possibly take advantage of someone trying to unhook.


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