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Stake Out
Tags:dead by daylight,dead by daylight gameplay,dead by daylight mobile,dead by daylight new killer,dead by daylight funny moments,ayrun dead by daylight, otzdarva dead by daylight español,dead by daylight gameplay español,dead by daylight 実況,dead by daylight new,dead by daylight jill,dead by daylight salt,dead by daylight fnaf,dead by daylight tips,dead by daylight exam,dead by daylight lyons,dead by daylight legion,кошмар dead by daylight hellraiser ghostface #IntotheFog
That damn huntress at the end. I was hoping you would make it out
>some kinda Japanese Mogwai/Furby thing
>…that turns into a living, ouroboros-infected racoon
>a gen being done in 38 seconds
>someone being grabbed out of a locker from full health
That was probably the most confusing minute I've ever experienced in DBD.
What is that racoon?
You always end up sacrificing for your team😔
If you are a snowman in a match with Spazeline… are in trouble.
I love your videos ! Thank you for being the highlight of most of my days ❤
DbD mobile be goin’ the way of the dinosaurs, rip
If you leave snowmen around with a huntress, you could use them as a potential obstacle for her hatchets 🤔
No way that last player left you. What an AH
That Kate Denson player was dead weight, wich is a shame, since Kate is a good teammate most of the times.
Bro your teammate are selfish😢
How they are running away without you 😔