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Where can survivors hide and escape if the best Demogorgon has all aura reading perks? The answer is they cannot escape the aura Demogorgon!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay rank 1 Demogorgon Gameplay!
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notification value!!!
Didn't sleep last night. Wake up to red POSTING A VIDEO AT 7:14 AM. life saver til I fall asleep. Thanks 👍
Well another nice video great I really enjoyed watching videos so much your videos never failed to make me happy 🤣🤣🤣😋😝🤯
I really wish they would re-release demogorgon to be able to be purchased
When you mentioned a worm like killer and said that’d be fun the first thing I thought of was tremors 😂. I don’t know how they’d do it but that would be a great licensed killer. He moves under ground and leaps up to attack or something… just imagine
this is actually the build i used on ghostface with olsons wallet + philly addon its so good , n scary hehehe
cheers from malaysia! subbed!
I know it's iri, but why not bring his aura reading when using a portal
i really wish i was able to get this killer when he came out but sadly i was too late 🙁
I wish I played the game earlier so I can get Demogorgon. 🙁 the codes they sell now is super expensive.
For the engagement 🙂
Think they will ever fix the broken M1 animation on his left hand ? 7:51 ?
I think an alien from men in black killer would be really cool. They look like a regular person but when their power is ready they transform into an alien and have a unique ability. Maybe have different variations of the killer and survivors can have a add on for their flashlights that is almost like a flash like in the movie
Day 33 of asking for my fav Oni build Pop Goes the Weasel, BBQ and Chili, Infectious Fright, and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. Whatever add ons you prefer. I feel like this plays towards Oni’s strengths the best.
How would Chucky work in this game though?
So new killers they could do something interesting with a vampire or some kind of blood mage, they could do something interesting with a werewolf I’m thinking each Survivor is given a colour and as the move the leave a cloud of coloured mist behind them that fades over time it would basically let you track any one person down or tell you how long it was since the moved away.
Moving away from the classics there are a few of the SCP monsters that could be fun, them there is stuff like slender man but I don’t know what they would do for his skill, stuff like jeepers creepers I see as maybe been a skin for someone like the trapper more than a new monster.
Can someone give me a good doc build
ill say this till the day i die. wish i bought demo when i had the chance.
Do you think the nightmare edition is worth paying $50 for as I don’t hav Demi clown or spirit or the survivors besides Kate?