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Steve, as always, is over confident and figures he can control the game, the killer etc. Yun and the others, Elodie, think its safe to save under the terror radius and bum rush gens next to the killer and have noo real consequences. However, as always, I take full advantage of that and bring the house down.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


24 thoughts on “SURVIVORS FLEX TOO MUCH | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I like how survivors blame the killer for being hit off hook and not their teammates for farming them. It’s not the killer’s job to let them have a free unhook.

    Anyway, good video!

  2. Glad this guy came across my radar. We have similar personalities (we're both chill, but I cuss a fuck ton more). I rarely let this game or words get me tweaked. Gotta see what his twitch schedule is my time.

  3. Man face pretends to be a white knight of the community while simultaneously being toxic every game. He’s trash at killer because he never tries to improve just camp and tunnel 🤣

  4. Found out what I am like with this game when I am in autopilot as killer.. And.. I am freaking ruthless. So far when I manage to get into that mode I have not lost. Problem is getting into that mode.. That and I do not really remember the matches too well.. If I do not record them I wont know much about them.. I know I have done it a few times in the past but did not record those ones unless some got on my old streams that managed to get saved.. ( I have not watched all of those. Fully. )

  5. Oh and.. Yea I fully understand about trying to calm down as the killer player.. I have issues with it at times but part of it is also due to the pain I have. I have had a lot of serious injuries, can close to being killed more than a few times.. Obviously lived through it all but due all of this I know live with chronic pain. I also currently have other things that are causing pain as well and have been talking to doctors.. I know due to specific things I will probably end up having at least a few more major surgeries coming my way at the very least. Soo fun right? But its something that can not be helped. What I will go through is just that. Something I will have to go through. ( Oh and, no I have not taken anything out on people after the matches. I do not rage in chat at others. Basically I will just say things during the match. Most of the time those things I say are not even directed at anyone but myself funny enough. Unless I feel someone is cheating. Those are times I will be saying things directed at said person when I am having issues. )

    So I am sometimes not in the best of moods and… Well.. I am not exactly calm a portion of the time I play killer in DBD due to it. Still takes a bit before it gets to that point but I admit I do cuss when it reaches said point. I am not trying to excuse it but mentioning a major factor that contributes to it. I used to not have these sort of issues at all when playing any game so it is something that bothers me..

  6. I hope to have as much chill as you when playing killer. I think I've gotten better, but I still slip up and lose my temper occasionally. Though, I have learnt to instead defeat people at their own game, by trying to outsmart them and fool them into a false sense of security, so I can then crush that hope. lol I let them think they've fooled me, then I do a 180 and BOOM, they get downed. People can get ay too cocky sometimes, especially teabaggers and flashlight spammers.


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