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When you make a mistake as Killer, it can cost you the entire game sometimes, but when Survivors make a mistake, they get a free pass? not with me, they shouldn’t with you either, I don’t expect it as a Survivor, so I don’t hand out any options of a retry. Of course this leads to some resistance sometimes, now I am not an arragant person, I still respect the game and the moves the players can make, I react to the game and don’t go in with a plan to camp most of the time, map and killer capability allowing, I will run the game as it runs.

You make choices in this game, those choices can either win or lose the game, don’t fold to peer pressure and play for your win.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


26 thoughts on “SURVIVORS NEED TO LEARN | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I had my first does of toxicity in forever, and the killer after the game said "GG easy", then said trash, and when I said GG, hope you continue having fun in your games they said "Kill self". XD Well that escalated quickly lmao

  2. Huh, I’m fairly sure I matched into a lobby with tuff_lemons when I was solo queueing as survivor earlier. We all went down fast to a bubba lmao, I said gg, nobody else said anything.

  3. 20:05 you do not have a terror radius 20:12 is when your terror radius starts, either way, they need to be using their camera to pay attention to the surroundings it's a GF same as with a T1 Myers or a Wraith. Survivors expecting the killer to give them an easy game is a terrible mindset.

  4. Killers aren't responsible for survivors "fun" and vice versa.
    Survivors have fun whenever they can loop you for a long time, which to me as a killer is just REALLY annoying.
    I have fun as a killer destroying a team as hard and fast as possible. The less fun they're having, the more I am.
    You don't go play CS:GO, get AWPed constantly and complain "Playing against you isn't fun!!!". Yeah. It's not fun to lose on either side, most of the time. Newsflash.

  5. Had some salt today, played as survivor and me and my friends were just messing around trying to sabo and flashlight save. Not gen rushing or being very productive so the killer got a lot of hooks. Ends up with a 2k and we tell them gg and the killer goes off on us telling us not to think we were good cause it was just their first game of the day otherwise it would have been an easy 4K lol

  6. As someone that has gotten bullied out of playing killer by toxic survivor mains, I honestly don't call it tunnelling unless it's something obvious like knocking them back down within 10 seconds of getting taken off of hook, not even taking a cursory swing on the other person there, and not going after anyone else until that person is dead. Anything short of that isn't really tunnelling, it's just playing the game. If they're healing under the hook within terror radius and get to be in even a short chase, it's not you tunnelling, it's them being stupid.

  7. Te crees Pro por solo llevar Emocion de la Caza,Inmortal ,Ruina y Tierra Embrujada,perom no tienes ni idea de jugar a este juego, ya que tienes que TUNELEAR Y CAMPEAR.Menudo Killer, dedícate a jugar al Fortnite y deja el DBD , JAJAJJAJJAAJJA

  8. Its not you're fault at all my guy. I learned that people will complain one way or another in DBD, you do good people are mad, you do bad people are mad, survivors are being completely stupid while actually trying and you as killer win they'll be mad, you can be a survivor and all of you escape and people would still be mad.. So just say fuck it and have fun however you want because it seems like 90% of the people that that play DBD are gonna have one reason or another to be butt hurt.

  9. I play as both survivor and killer often, and so I do truly try my best to make games fun for survivors when I'm killer. If I got a 4k because I tunneled and camped, I feel terrible and much worse after than if I had gotten no kills. I still get upset, sometimes frustrated when I lose horribly, but I could never understand why you would go after someone who just got unhooked, no matter the circumstances. Only situation I can think of where my opinion on that changes is when they're being toxic.

    Yeah, whatever, I get it: "It's not the killer's job to make the game fun," It doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to make it worse. You aren't a hero for tunneling. Play however you want, I guess, I'm not your mom, but you don't have to play like an asshole just to prove you can.


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