#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller
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i hate how dead this game is, it’s such a great concept with a bad community, i mean you can play with friends AND solo, it’s kinda perfect but man it’s like developers always love to ruin everything
I think gens need a complete rework tbh, i see how fast gens fly by even in a lobby with an experienced killer. For example i think if you bring multiple things to speed up gen regression there should be a chance that gens have more sides blocked off or they have to do an extra gen. or if there are swfs in the lobby it should just flat out increase required gens, its stupid how fast fens can fly by with the game being half over 1 minute into the match. Im just saying i think there should be downsides the more survs try and twist the game in their favor.
That last match was crazy lmao
love the new thumbnails
Hag is so satisfying to play
amazing vid bro
Man i love your videos but damn you talk alot and fast bro sounding abit like xqc hahaha 😛
I loveeeee hag pls more game play with her
bro is one of diddy interns
Hag is very similar to trapper so i feel like this is going to be your next top killer next to singularity.
Here before 100k
You are a monster. Keep up the daily uploads! You will explode!
The different reactions in the lunge over the hole Quiet gave an erotic moan and the streamer shit himself or something
Lol you slam dunked on that poor ttv's face! 😂
Perkless Hag incoming! 💪😎
lmao that hole hit. Feng 100% knew you were going to try it. she tried to dodge it
Goddamn, buckaroo
Day 40 I'm loosing my shi…..
you're actually my favorite dbd content creator bro I've been binge watching your video's lately 😋
I need that tik tok clip💀
A QK party is better than a Diddy party. At least QK is handsome lol.
W VIDEOOOOO!!!!! Finally a good one to watch out of every other YouTube
Damn I'm loving the hag gameplay. I've been trying to main her but the squads have not been giving me an easy time lemme tell you that
I hadn't realized until just now that you're the one that made "Twitter Doesn't Understand Berserk", youtubes a smaller place then I thought
We dont know what hooks are but we KNOW WHAT SLUGGING is i like it
Gahd damn im late!!! im excited tho hag is so fun
Someone pay me one dollar every time he says buckaroo!!!
FreakyKills back wit anotha banga
0:17, yeah we got one…
4:38 "naaaaay I am 15 steps ahead" 😈🤣🤣
Good vid
i hate how dead this game is, it’s such a great concept with a bad community, i mean you can play with friends AND solo, it’s kinda perfect but man it’s like developers always love to ruin everything
I always thought Quiet would be good at hag because of the traps. I was right. W content.
God tier killer 🫡
Quiet kills with the Bane type rant at the end of the first match lol
DAYUM QuiteKills is soooo good with that Grandussy.
I think gens need a complete rework tbh, i see how fast gens fly by even in a lobby with an experienced killer.
For example i think if you bring multiple things to speed up gen regression there should be a chance that gens have more sides blocked off or they have to do an extra gen.
or if there are swfs in the lobby it should just flat out increase required gens, its stupid how fast fens can fly by with the game being half over 1 minute into the match.
Im just saying i think there should be downsides the more survs try and twist the game in their favor.
another quietkills classic !
Clip dat @14:51 🤣💀