Survivors Stand NO CHANCE Against HAG!! | Dead by Daylight

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40 thoughts on “Survivors Stand NO CHANCE Against HAG!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. i hate how dead this game is, it’s such a great concept with a bad community, i mean you can play with friends AND solo, it’s kinda perfect but man it’s like developers always love to ruin everything

  2. I think gens need a complete rework tbh, i see how fast gens fly by even in a lobby with an experienced killer.
    For example i think if you bring multiple things to speed up gen regression there should be a chance that gens have more sides blocked off or they have to do an extra gen.
    or if there are swfs in the lobby it should just flat out increase required gens, its stupid how fast fens can fly by with the game being half over 1 minute into the match.
    Im just saying i think there should be downsides the more survs try and twist the game in their favor.


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