Sweat, SWF, Wesker, Cowshed, Pain – Dead by Daylight

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every wesker thumbnail is me choking someone


24 thoughts on “Sweat, SWF, Wesker, Cowshed, Pain – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I wonder if adding more debris and such to these open maps would make killers like Wesker (and also blight I guess) more effective. It would be like what they did with Dredge, adding more lockers so it can use its power better

  2. I found out something you can do with wesker to potentially get more hits. If you turn your camera when dashing forward you can still hit them and you go into the direction you were looking. You use this on straight lines to get them guaranteed.

  3. I believe if you turn your camera a bit before you grab them, wesker will carry them wherever you're looking and not where the survivor is facing

    Make it a lot easier to get damaging hits in areas where you might not have

  4. Spawns in tilted about map rng, plays tilted with plenty of mistakes, displeased at a 3k in a game balanced around a 2k? Why do we condition killer players so hard that they tilt off a spawn, not realizing they can easily beat the odds

  5. The Oso clan, there's a perfect example of people who don't deserve to be able to continue to play this game. They've been a thorn in my SWF and I's side since 2018 all because we had to leave OsoAnonymous behind against a doctor he ran for 5 gens because he was bodyblocking the basement entrance on Crotus Prenn. They've had us on a camp/tunnel/mori hit list ever since.

    It's funny how they've had to change their names since then, but they're so desperate for attention that they have to stick to the clan schtick.
    Theyre all toxic manchildren, but OsoStrode is a legit racist by the way. Unfortunately the evidence is long gone by this point, but just know that you stomping them brings me utter joy.

  6. Fun game to watch but the level of effort needed to play killer since they introduced SBMM has made this game far less fun to invest time in. At least for a casual gamer. The point would be if you practice and got better than average you’d do better than average. SBMM is designed to protect those who don’t practice and punish those who do. I get overall it makes sense as it helps more players to stay in the game but in the very long run it punishes those that do. Good business practice but bad if you have put time in and don’t want sweaty matches every single time. I honestly don’t know how very good players like Otz, Jund, Dowsey, True play at all

  7. 4:29 You need to stay up all night to get lucky.

    6:37 I had to look how many spray cans there were and found it to be six so this sixth removal of infection is exactly the halfway mark because each can has two uses. Explains why people are so spray happy against Mastermind, they have twelve uses of the things.

    9:09 Yeah, that's what I was looking at above. Mastermind doesn't have vials they have "First Aid Spray" cans which have two uses each so with six cans that's twelve times they can remove infection. So more than double Nemesis' four max or three with add-on.

    10:18 Wow. Just. Wow. "Way too dank" indeed.

    Scott ignoring the fully infected "OsoStrodo" was painful to see. They were right there and he just ignored them many times. Sure they had Lithe but even before then and then after while it was on cooldown.
    Why OsoStrodo hadn't used a spray yet I have no idea. By that point in the game only seven out of twelve had been used and when fully infected is the bets time to use one.

    You still got a win out of that mess, so good job.

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  8. I know that SWF. They would have given Scott so much hate for winning that. But they’re on Xbox. I know what they would say, I can check my logs and find all their hate messages to me. Dating back to 2018. I beat them all with Wraith a few times. They are in my older videos too funny enough. The only killer where I blew through them was when I wanted to play Spirit. Because you know, old Spirit was pretty strong. Maybe they mellowed out but I doubt it. They’re still playing dbd and I’ve been of the grid for this game for 3 months.

  9. Unfortunately Wesker is like Pyramid head, in that the nicer you play the much much worse you will do. He becomes infinitely stronger if you tunnel someone you infect early on. If you spread the pressure though, 24 cleanses is a lot.


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