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Playing one of the sweatiest 4 man swf on dead by daylight with nurse than I ever had!
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
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Playing one of the sweatiest 4 man swf on dead by daylight with nurse than I ever had!
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
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yoo i always see u playing nurse with the strongest add on, purple range and green recharge, why always the strongest? its not hard to win with those add ons and gets a bit boring to watch since its no real challenge
With enough sweat I guarantee you they’ll slip out of their baby boosters.
Damn, that was thriller from the beginning to the end. That´s why I love your Youtube content (can´t make it to you streams because of time :/ ) A realy strong killer vs a realy strong team of survivors. Well played from everyone <3
Sheeeeeeeesh that's insane
Sweats like this are just embarrassing. It would be like try harding when you play Mario party.
Survivors like this is why i stopped playing killer. They play as if it's the world cup or something 😂🤦♂️
Jesus man that was amazing play by you! Good job True!❤️
pain/switch range nurse calling someone else sweaty is a bit… ironic lol
I don't see why ppl complain and talk about sweaty … Like are you suppose to play a game and not try? Both sides played well and shows how both have skills ….
It's official.
They're ready for the 5 thousand dollar tournament.
I'm glad survivor perks are not as strong as killer perks. They need to nerf NOED…..
I love to see you playing True! U´ve teached me all the tricks I know with all my killers <3 thx for everything
This is such a bad survivor map you got lucky if it had been any other map it could’ve gone way worse
They going for that pro cup.
Same team on a different map without so much line of sight blockers you would have a smashed a 4k, easily. Still almost got 32000 points, near perfect game!
GG WP tru3 you played really against these sweaty team and got a lot of hooks good job!
Watching tru3 play nurse makes me feel like I can shit on any swf lmao. I don’t understand how he’s so good at hitting his blinks.
This was the sweatiest 4man I've seen in this channel, and the fact that the two that escaped were on death hook really shows what True can do with Nurse. GG's!
I mean you kind of need these perks against a nurse of his leve, 10 hooks 2k.
Scary thing is if they didn't go super altruistic at the end and try to bully you with the flashlights, all 4 could have escaped. This is why we have to rely on survivor stupidity to turn the tide of the game at times.
Chaining flashlights from one to the next to prevent nurse blinks, i never even thought of that.. Pretty brilliant actually great survivor team. Well played to both sides.
over 100 perks and survs keep using the same ones 90% of the time, perfect balanced game.
nice to know the meta hasn’t changed since the nerf of self care 😂