Sweaty Times To Play [RANT] | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

Video Song: Doomsday by White Bat Audio
FSM Team – Lucid Dreaming

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21 thoughts on “Sweaty Times To Play [RANT] | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Finally someone else who noticed. It felt like I was the only one who noticed this switch at certain hours, but here it's a bit earlier in the evening. Just the most boring meta comp crap, even when I just started learning a new killer and was supposed to get atleast slightly easier games than on my main killer.

  2. I wouldn't say it's always a certain time of day, but typically is i 4k in two or more matches the caliber of cheapness exponentially goes up. Ill stream for like 3-4 hours of killer and my survivor pool either starts insanely sweaty and i get a few 0 – 1 k's and then I get matched with potatoes, or the opposite occurs where ill dominate in the beginning then the next few hours are just pain and suffering. I play on Xbox and its very apparent when i get matched with sweaties or "toxic" players bc after the match they will make sure ur well aware of how trash you are as both a player and a person. Before someone comments "ur soft etc" these players take it further than just lol you suck, they got alt acc so they can say the most deplorable stuff and never worry about being punished. Majority of my friends either stopped playing killer or never tried in the first place bc of the human filth you meet after a certain point when playing killer. The people who take this game to the extreme on the surv end makes the games so boring, at high mmr its just pallet kick simulator for about 3-5 mins till the match is done and all 4 or 3 escape unless ur playing nurse,spirit,blight.

  3. I feel like the games were you still win while survivors were being incredibly sweaty are almost worse. It doesn't feel enjoyable and more like you struggled to even have any fun. I've never noticed a time for me where the matches get really bad. It usually just happens randomly. I mainly play around 5pm-10pm on weekdays and from 4pm-2am on weekends (with breaks in between of course) so idk maybe I've been avoiding the sweaty hours unintentionally?

  4. For me 6am to about noon is fair fun matches with a mix of perks and normal gens speeds any other time of the day is miserable hyperfocus stakeout prove with bnp 4 dh syringes and all 4 survivors know how to loop well making chases take forever if they have a strong tile which they usually do

  5. yeah, the same hours as you friendo. i have had the most sweaty mess on both sides and VPNers from the dwarf planet Eris around 1am to 6am est. thats why i dont even ask to play with friends who are streaming around that time anymore if i am even awake then. because it's just miserible unfun boring and i could be in bed with a stream on and chatting with you, or others until i pass out.

  6. Yah Iv had the same experience idk what it is for my region or area but I get swf legit almost every game

    But specially around 8 at night through 12 it’s legit the ultimate sweat lords where it’s like playing against ai , and early in the morning my time 9-12 is just like a slightly less Verizon of sweat lord then 1-4 is like normal and 5-8 is the dumb players

    It’s kinda ruined killer for me at the momment it’s just not enjoyable playing swf every game and j legit check profiles it’s typcially a 2 -3 man swf and it’s just draining playing high level evey game having to camp and shit

  7. I'll say I've never noticed a specific time of day, but I have noticed certain days of the week are way more miserable than others. Playing survivor on the weekend is always a miserable time, while on killer you get the easiest matches of your life (also not super interesting ones).

  8. As someone who plays 1am to 4am I can confirm and it's worse on the weekends which is also when I play it sucks but it's what I am used to at this point. It's like that till about 6am. 5am to 6am is the worst from my experience.

  9. Dbd is falling apart slowly because of these types of players I dont even play the game at night time anymore (which is the best time to play a horror game ofc) because its like every basement sweat gets summoned

  10. For me it feels like games between 8pm-11pm are awful which sucks because I usually go to bed at 10 if I work the next day and I’m usually not able to get on dbd until about 5:30pm-6pm

    So I’m playing for 2-4 hours at a time and half of it is fun and chill while the other half is boring, frustrating and exhausting

    When I have days off work I’ll play all morning and never have any problems until it hits those late hours again, which then I go play something else.

  11. I totally notice changes at different time. I get home from work at around 1 and playing killer is so miserable. It seems to me like the radio of swf goes up late. I will just soli queue survivor. Then when 6 or 7 am comes it changes where then it's killers who will just straight up face camp every single hook. I swear it's cause at that early it's little kids playing and alot of them just play like that. It can be fun cause they tend to be a little easier to loop, but just don't go down cause you will be camped and then tunneled to oblivion. Then I switch to killer, lol. Or go to bed.

  12. In Germany sweaty times are:
    * 16:00 to 20:00 because students returned from schools and people with different jobs as well

    * 2:00 to 5:00 I still don't know why exactly but swfs, Blights, Nurses are the most around those hours and they all do their objective in the most miserable and boring way possible

  13. A vast majority of the killers I face are extreme sweatlords no matter the time of day – I can't feel sorry for you. It's ridiculous to hear killers whine about survivors trying to survive. You're literally trying to kill them. Why shouldn't they bring everything they can to win? Killers will bring the most unfun perks that literally make playing survivor absolutely HELL. Some killers will slug everyone in the first 5 min. I don't understand how a survivor trying to survive is considered 'sweaty'… are they suppose to just lay down and let you kill them? I'd bring better items in soloqueue if I had enough I could afford to lose. I guess only the killer is allowed to have fun in this game, and survivors should not be allowed perks or items.


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