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22 thoughts on “SALTY TTV CRIES AFTER THIS LOSS!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. All we know is win because all we do is win.

    Note: I played this match on a windowed screen instead of a full screen so I missed some easy swings. We make it look easy regardless tho!!!

    (Obviously do not attack or harass the streamer)

  2. This is faxs at the end gang got a point I had a game as clown and I played like a rat but a wins a win and they came in chat salty but I got a 4K calling me booty cheeks an all that I don’t understand they lost just move on gang

  3. You’ve inspired me to start my own dbd content this year. Your approach to your channel is honest and I can tell you aren’t worried about appeasing the mob. Very refreshing channel, now my favorite dbd content creator.🤙🏼🤙🏼

  4. Survivor mains where you at in this chat?, You guy's entitlement in these SOLO Q's are wild, we do what we do to win and I'd toy can't handle or counter it, go cry and bitch to someone who cares.there is no rules are wrong or right way to kill you.. either adept or..ggs go next

  5. WHAT DO I DO BRUH… MY BRUH… WHAT DO I DO BRUH. These entitled survivors and even worse when they are TTVs. The worse parts are the stupid sheep in their chats that will bend over backwards and agree with everything they say lol. That TTV is a clown making up rules to benefit. The endgame was to win. LOL. I can't stand these TTVs.

  6. I like how the TTV is bitching the whole time yet he was the full health guy the whole match, besides that first initial hit, then didn't go for any of the saves….

    He didn't take any hook stages, didn't try to 2 man hook save at any point, doesn't reset the team when QK is watching the hooked survivor, lets the injured teammates to make all the trades. Whining about "there's nothing I can do"…. Of course there's nothing you can do when you don't actually try and do anything…. The only things he tried to do the whole match were half assed attempts to get QK's attention, which never worked since there were multiple injured survivors nearby at all times. Why go for the full health guy with no hooks when there's 2 injured guys trading hooks constantly? There was pretty much no reason to go 10 feet from the hook.

    Its not even only the TTVs fault. At 6:49 a guys on a hook, TTV's on a gen, injured guy is on a gen, then 4 seconds later death hook guy gets on another gen…. That's 3 people working on 3 separate gens…. DO SOME FUCKING HEALING then bum rush the hook…. Do some body blocking…. He just wanted to whine, he didn't want to actually do anything to win.

  7. Brother I've watched a few of your videos and this one has to have the most solid takes of all. I can get behind all of your arguments about the entitled survivors and pretty much every other entitled individual out there in the real world. Such people do live in their own private little world and are spoiled beyond return. Soft-skinned is one way to put it, yet that's putting it lightly for many of them.


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