The 8.0.0 update but explained with memes | Dead by Daylight

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This mofos miss a lot but when they start hitin that shit is pinpoint accurate


25 thoughts on “The 8.0.0 update but explained with memes | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think the Pain Res and Pop nerfs were unnecessary (maybe they should ask why those perks are so popuar rather than just nerf them, hrm?) and as a Chucky Helmet enjoyed I do feel a bit sad about his scamper nerf. In addition, you are on point about the maps being jank and the constant messing around with Blight's addons…honestly, I hate how they took some really creative ideas with Soul Chem and Spirit Stone and smacked them into boring number tweaks, not to mention the constant fucking around with his Iris.

    However the rest of the update is straight fire. Love to see Deathslinger and Bubba get some love, and Buckle Up FINALLY get gutted.

  2. Ngl them buffing Sabo is kinda dumb. Nerfing regression perks is ok. But there is a reason why they both exist and are strong The speed of the gens being done is a little to fast. (Heck in Res cases you sometimes get fucked over by Hook spawns)

    I feel like if they wanna nerf pop and pain res thats ok. But you gotta nerf the repair speeds a bit

  3. BHVR nerfed pop and pain res because they're so popular and because people complain about "seeing pop+pain every game" but these nerfs will just make people run them together even more because just using one isn't as viable😭

  4. I personally don't find much of a problem with it because I mostly run an endgame focused mori build with Rancor, Game Afoot, and No Way Out, but I can understand why most other killers just really want the time it takes to complete generators to increase.

    If I were to change gen speeds, I'd do it like this:

    The first generator completed takes exactly 90 seconds solo, as is it does now.
    Every generator afterwards will have the maximum charges required increased as though they took 100 seconds.
    After the second generator is completed, this process happens again, and all generators require 110 seconds of total progress.
    Repeating until the last generator is done, having required 130 seconds (solo) worth of charges in progress made to complete it.
    This would significantly prevent the Survivor's ability to "hold progress" on multiple generators, as once one is done, more progress would need to be done to complete it.
    Multiple survivors and other generator repair speed bonuses would be directly increased because the amount of charges required are also increased. It would increase the need for survivors to work together on singular generators one at a time to get things done faster, rather than separately and safely applying pressure across the whole map at breakneck speed.
    It of course, would also mean that Killer regression becomes stronger the later the match goes, being that it's a percent of total progress. To compensate, the 5% natural kick regression would be reduced by 1% per completed generator, down to 1%, making it so that the last 3 generators cannot be easily suppressed unless the killer has actively saved their generator regression resources from perks/add-ons.
    If it needs to be to prevent multiple generators from going off at the exact same time, then the Entity could block all generators for a quarter of a second from being repaired as soon as one is done so that the new required charges can come into effect.

    IE: A generator is at 99% at the start of the game and another generator is completed. That 99% now immediately drops to 88%, as 10 seconds were added and less than 1 second was left on the generator beforehand.

    TLDR; Gens at 5 generators require 90 charges by default. At 4 gens, all gens require 100 charges. 3 Gens require 110 charges. 2 gens require 120 charges. Last generators require 130 charges, a 40 second increase from the start of the game. Gen kicks are also reduced from 5%, to 4%, 3%, 2%, and 1% respectively at the same time. Gens are blocked for less than a second to allow the new charge requirement to take place when a generator is finished so no two generators can be done simultaneously. The total time added from what it is currently would be 100 seconds extra between all generators, assuming they are all done solo with no regression. More than one additional generator's worth of time.

    With this, Brand New Parts would become more used than they are, but moreso used later in the game when generators take longer. The Spiders Incantation would also see some more use as it directly reduces the required charges.

  5. These are all good changes for casual players but i still think they should nerf toolbox speeds so that best toolbox has 50% speed instead of 100% because this will make games even shorter if they nerfed gen slowdown


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