The Already Insane Self-Healing Speeds are Being Buffed – Dead by Daylight

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26 thoughts on “The Already Insane Self-Healing Speeds are Being Buffed – Dead by Daylight”

  1. This update is way better for killers than it is for survivors. If you don't want survivors to heal, don't stop chasing them *shrugs*.
    Sometimes I feel killer mains will complain until the game starts out with the survivors already on the hooks. Yes, I know that's hyperbole but you see the point.

  2. Im no expert but they should disable botany working with medkits (green onwards that disable with addons), i mean medkits are busted, endurance meta great and all, but medkits gonna be so busted and they even were busted, cant wait for that one god looper and boom, 5 new health states.
    I dont know what to say, really questionable choices…Would it be an good choice to disable healing completely? Or something similar for some scenarios, not all.
    Well, thats going to be fun…

  3. 1) If killer got "Franklin's Demise" – this build in trouble.
    2) If killer play correctly, you never gonna have 5 seconds to heal in mid-chase.
    3) You "lose" ability to use purple flashlight or toolbox with "brand new parts", and this items also quite powerfull.*
    * At least you lose 1 or 2 additional perk slots, and that's fine, but this slots can be used for Prove Thyself – for gen speed, with increased repair speed now even stronger then before or Off the Record – "no comments" or iron will (eah it's nerfed, but still strong imo) or someting else…. this perks also have BIG impact on game.
    4) Then you stack many sources of healspeed there is diminishing returns. If i remember correctly self heal with green medkit – 10,7 s, if you got +50% from bottany you heal for 8s. 2,7 s delta with reduced consumption is good, not breathtaking for 1 perk solt.
    5) Total waste build aganst The Plague. You encouter her not so often, but 1/12 games it will be wasted.
    IMO It's strong and cool totaly viable, but it's not insane and not broken.

  4. I think Scott uses healing the wrong way. It’s WAY better to have more charges than it is to heal faster. The reason Botany was so good was because you could get two heals from a basic yellow medkit. That was its strongest use.

    Now Botany has a severe nerf. Yea healing other people is cool, but that’s not what made it good.

  5. My thoughts on the update is this, I’m fully aware DH needs to change and is absolutely one of the most meta perks in the game, but I don’t personally think that the route the devs are taking with off the record for example and other perks stacking for 5 health states is skillful, they also buff botany to 50% speed and leave CoH alone but nerf self care into unusable territory, I say all of this to say that using DH as it is now just to make it to a window or pallet is more skillful than 5 endurance hits and a bunch of heal speed stacking/haste stacking perks giving you value just for being on you’re build like current BT, I personally also enjoy DHing to a flashlight save or use it to window tech which isn’t an option anymore, which is also part of DH being so strong and versatile but at the same time it’s taking fun options and ways for survivors to show their skill apart from others, I’d rather it be old dead hard where it doesn’t have any i frames as it’s nerf but you still get distance, I’m also not saying what I’ve said here is what’s best for the game or anything, but it would be fun and make DH not a portable pallet.

  6. So the whole patch revolves around making the survivors worse, that's a 50 second MINIMUM you'll have to spend on gens, and now that the chase meta has been destroyed with loops lasting possibly up to 2 minutes, you're really complaining about people healing? Really? That's literally a thing BHVR WANTS to promote, survivors shouldn't be on the injured state forever, and a measily 12% increase absolutely won't change much, sure, a second faster healing may sound good on paper, but if you look at the 50 seconds on gens… It's a no brainer. Now of course, video was probably talking about the general concept of the 5 second healing being broken, but what do you want BHVR to do? Delete all medkits and everybody will stop playing because healing would take too long with sloppy butcher and all this stuff, so many people run sloppy and other stuff anyways, it's not like BHVR has not thought about this. I am 90% confident that the reason BHVR buffed this perk is because they wanted survivors to be healthy, especially because of the new chase lenghts (oh, and they wanted to make it a meta-ish perk)

  7. Why not just make certain heal bonuses just only apply to other survivors?
    Like, don’t get me wrong it’s still absurd, but at least you don’t have to worry about said ‘easy punish’ that either forces a killer to commit to a chase or have to wear out their medkit first. Which, with you know what as a perk, can be fucking ages.

  8. This is just stupid as fuck. Plague mains rise up, I guess. Or better yet: don't play this infuriating game for a while. There's a ton of awesome games around the corner and if DBD releases the patch with this shit in it, I'll be playing those instead of this garbage. I was cautiously optimistic about this "health" patch but it's just the same old half-assed "we don't playtest our game" bullshit.

  9. Scott doesn't even mention how easy it is for survivors to have a stockpile of green medkits thanks to Pharmacy. New Pharmacy can make it so entire teams can all pull out green medkits with 1 tarnished coin and 1 survivor running Pharmacy.


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