"The Artist" 5.4.0 Perks Review – Dead by Daylight

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32 thoughts on “"The Artist" 5.4.0 Perks Review – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I wonder if overcome plus dead hard will be playable because, so often you're actually just going to get out of Chase from using overcome, giving your exhaustion time to go away.
    Also it's interesting that with new killer perks we're debating whether the thing will even be played at all, whereas with new survivor perks were debating whether they're going to be a problem.

  2. I think Grim Embrace would be way more viable if it blocked gens for every unique hook, though with a reduced timer obviously so it would be busted. 10 seconds or more of blocked gens for the first 3 unique survivor hooks and then the 30 seconds if you get the 4th hook. Then it still encourages going for new survivors, but you don't get zero use if you only hook 3 people in a game, etc…

  3. Otz called Pentimento busted and I 100% disagreed with him for the same reasons you did. Undoubtly you will never get to the 5 totem effect so we can factor that out. Realistically you will only have one effect out at most since now survivors have THREE strong boons so having a boon is almost a given now. The only reason they'd have to cleanse instead of bless a totem is if you play a full totem build and they might not want to take those extra 8 seconds and cleanse instead of bless but then you practically have no perks and they'd just destroy your rekindled totems before breaking the last two dull totems.

    I agree with you on Grim Embrace, I don't think it is an incredibly strong perk. It is not weak either but just not good enough to be meta for killers. If the game goes rough you will find yourself needing to get one person out of the game asap and if you are still missing two people for Grim Embrace to activate you're not gonna get it in time and if the game goes well, well, you don't really NEED it, it's just cementing your strong position. However, I wouldn't say "it's not good because it's a one time use" because Lethal Pursuer is a thing and we all agree this is an incredible perk, even though it's a 9 second one-time use.

    I feel like Pain Resonance might be the best out of those three perks because while the position of the scourge hooks is random, the effect is consistent, quite potent and has no cooldown. You might find 3 people tryingt to power through a key generator and keep them from finishing it. If no body screams, that is also good because it tells you there is no imminent danger of two or three gens popping, giving you information and gen regression. I just wonder how both scourge hook perks will interact with another. Will there be more than 4 scourge hooks if you also use Gift of Pain? If so, you might see that combo a lot more. Pain Reverberation is gen regression and Gift of Pain is gen slowdown. But that is something we'd need to check out in the live game. I REALLY hope they do interact like this because I absolutely love the concept of scourge hooks.

    Survivor perks: anti-troll, busted, busted kekw

  4. funny how people say overcome is op it makes no sense overcome is worse than sprint burst according to the numbers, Sprint burst 150% bonus speed for 3 sec into hit (hit sprint boost 150% for 2 seconds) = 5 sec at 150% / Overcome = 4 seconds at 150% so you get 6m less distance with this perk overcome is worse than all the other exhaustion perks

  5. I feel like killers should be able to break totems. Takes a bit of time so you can’t just break every totem you find, only the one’s you feel important, and they won’t activate pentimento because that just wouldn’t be fair

  6. The scourge hook perk looks really solid on nurse, since it converts a portion of your lethality into slowdown, which benefits nurse the most, plus nurse already often runs agitation and starstruck, which should pair well with this

  7. Suggested buffs:
    Grim embrace: increase the time generators get blocked to 30/40/50 and make it so we can see everyones aura for 5 or 6 seconds. I just want it to feel more rewarding without overbuffing it.

    Scourge hook pain resonance: I think this perk is good and doesn't need to be changed

    Hex pentimento: this perk is dependent on survivors choices which is a bad thing because they can boon it or not cleanse a totom at all. To fix this make it so you can also use it on boon totoms and even if the totem is re blessed the killer can still transform it so the survivors are careful. I'm not going to say reveal the auras of boon totems because that would be busted. This way survivors need to break at least one totom and be careful with their hexes and overall an interesting play style.

    I'm not finished this comment yet

  8. They want to break the meta.. dead hard " fixed " … most played…. so they give them a stronger perk.

    They take the Options away from killers. Plaque and tompstone myers New meta.

  9. Her perks are underwhelming imo. Grim embrace is garbage. Thrilling Tremors does it way better.

    Scourge hook is ight but Pin Head’s version is stronger.

    Petimento allows Survivors to bless a totem again. At least in theory.

  10. As annoying as it might be, Overcome is a welcome addition to the game seeing as every killer these days is anti loop. It’s the only counter. Probably gonna use this perk seeing as I can’t loop 4 out of the 5 killers I face every game.

  11. I'll actually use Corrective Action when I do solo que genrushing with Prove Thyself. Even if someone is good at skillchecks, often the gen will pop when they run away upon the arrival of the killer. Preventing that 10% damage seems fairly decent.


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