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The BEST Build For Looping Killers – Dead by Daylight
In today’s video we are going to be using one of the best possible builds for looping killers, hope you all enjoy!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
Would you like to see more of different survivors in future videos?
really enjoy your vids. Super informative and you got a great calming voice.
Nurse Charyl community yessir 😎
7:01 lmao that guy just casually hiding by the gen and both of you didn’t spot him 😂
bruh rank 7
I found an interesting build. Kindred, Bond, Windows of Opportunity, and Open handed.
I always play with Windows❤️, such an underrated perk, I also get to see what pallets are being wasted
Have you done a stealth vid yet, and if not, can you pls make one
I'm sorry if you don't take build recommendations here to make videos on, I'm new to subbing to you, but I have an idea for a build that would be cool to see you use!
It's basically "Quiet Everything" build!
Balanced Landing/Lithe (With Quick and Quiet), Iron Will, Calm Spirit and your choice of Technician/Quick and Quiet.
You basically play ninja mode xD regardless I just love seeing you cover builds in general so I can't wait to see more!
you’re a beast
that was me in the first game i think lol, i was ghostface
what icons are you using? i really like it
why are his perks that color they look really cool
Did u just say dh is the best ….
I’ll support ur opinion but I think sb is the best
I like you changing up the survivors. Your the Survivor G.O.A.T. regardless of whom your playing.
Use Felix or Ace
Seriously mate
You need to do live stream I’m sure a lot of your Subs will love it
wow i just found a new favorite youtuber 😀