The Best Dracula Players Are Keeping This Secret | Dead By Daylight

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Is Dracula one of the best killers in Dead by Daylight?

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While streaming Dead by Daylight right after the release of chapter 33 Castlevania and the brand new killer Dracula AKA the Dark Load, I created a dominant Dracula build. This is the best Dracula build. Dracula just dropped and with his release, the brand new perks. This build is a meta killer build because you are able to stomp survivors at 5 gens. With the new killer Dracula out, you need the best killer build and the best killer perks. I think this is fun dracula build. I believe this could be the best killer build in the game. This meta dracula build consists of Spies from the shadows, whispers, eruption, and languid touch. This build also utilizes the meducas hair addon. This is a great dark lord build. This video gives you dracula tips and tricks and is almost a dracula guide. Is Dracula the best killer in the game? Maybe, Dracula is one of strongest killers in the game when you learn him. But this is one of the best builds for killer in the game.

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For more content creators, I’d recommend you also watch channels like JRM and Spookyloopz. They make some hilarious content. You can also watch creators like Supaalf and Ayrun. A lot can be learned by the way they stream.

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