The Best Exhaustion Perk for Blood Rush – Dead by Daylight

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Blood Rush: New Renato Perk that lets you reset your own exhaustion when you’re on Death Hook.
Sprint Burst – Lithe = Balanced Landing – gigachad Smash Hit


33 thoughts on “The Best Exhaustion Perk for Blood Rush – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Crazy idea but how about instead of warping every perk and changing them because tunneling bad, we agree its bad and push for a change that lasts more than 8 seconds after unhook

  2. Another thing to add on with the lithe is trying to use blood rush with lithe against a huntress or slinger would be lethal cause they can just either hit you or spear you to null the boost and get a one shot

  3. I'm curious if blood rush will also increase the use of anti tunneling perks like second wind. If you get second wind to activate you won't even have to worry about healing since it does it automatically.

  4. Rip onryo, it's not like dead hard wasn't already a problem for m1 killers but now we have to deal with this. Also one pump Willie is the exception not the rule, onryo has a really weak chase power and you have to juggle 100 more things than any other killer too stressful to play such a weak killer That's tea. Onryo needs a balancing change

  5. Honestly I’m surprised Overcome wasn’t mentioned since it’s activated when injured, maybe Lucky Break to combine with the exhaustion perks & Blood Rush to create the nastiest build Survivors could ever have?

  6. Honestly, I think the devs are coming up with very powerful and unique chase perks in an effort to reduce the genrush meta (although failing at it since they added yet another gen-speed perk in the same chapter).

    But I also believe that Dead Hard won't take that much of a hit in usage due to how Blood Rush is going to be used only once or twice in the trial most of the time, and if the Killer does badly/Survivors are good enough, chances are people won't even get on 2nd hook to even use it.

    Taking that into consideration, it's still better overall to make every chase harder for the Killer (and being able to tank one-shots and bodyblock if injured) than guaranteeing a single escape at the end if the Killer doesn't have some kind of teleport/traversal to catch up quickly anyway (Wesker, Nurse, Blight, Wraith, Dredge to some extent etc.). Also the perk becomes irrelevant if the Killer camps you to death, you get moried or your teammates leave you to die on first hook.

    Sadly enough, Blood Rush encourages boring/scummy playstyles to counter it.

    I think Blood Rush is mostly going to be a "compilation video" perk where players showcase great plays with it, but ideally Survivors don't want to be on death hook in the first place.

  7. Don't be like me:
    I tried to use it in a trickster's face and accidentally timed blood rush at the moment that he hit me with the last knife that would have injured me instead. So then i just died.

  8. I don't think Blood Rush is going to make as much of an impact as people are thinking it will. Not only is it high risk, but its usable once per match, so survivors will only be running 3 perks essentially. Yes its potentially really strong, but I feel its balanced like other strong second chance perks like Deliverance and Off the Record. I honestly think the perk killers should be worried about is Any Means Necessary, that perk is going to be stupid strong and probably run by a ton of survivors.

  9. I think it won't be meta. Sounds great in theory but so do a lot of perks that fall flat. It's just such specific circumstances for a one time use. Regardless of if it worsens tunneling or not, I don't think it'll be common once people get a feel for it on live servers or at least they won't get much value out of it.

  10. I have this weird feeling that the bug where my game crashes when I load into a DBD game with a map offering in play is going to get even worse with this perk, just a hunch, though.

  11. I wonder how OP blood rush will be with a head-on bully squad. If all 4 survivors head-on = 12 seconds of pure stun, doesn't even take chasing, blinds, body blocks, checking lockers etc. into account.

  12. i legit take like ten minutes every now an then to just laugh at how stupid bhvr is with their perk design xD Like how are you not seeing that deincentivizing the killers chase more and more leads to more tunneling… like it baffels me so much


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