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#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #dbd #TheBoneChill #Event #Holiday #MrAvogato
The Bone Chill Event Rewards – Dead by Daylight
These are all the rewards you can gain by interacting with the snowmen during the Bone Chill Event. As killer you want to destroy the snowmen with survivors within. As survivor you want to either be hit while in a snowman (thus not getting an injure state) or exit with the snowman to achieve one of these random rewards. Continue to do so till you have them all!
Enjoy! Stay Safe! Happy Holidays!
This instrumental is Royalty-Free PS5 Sharefactory/Youtube Approved instrumentals.
Gameplay captured on PS5.
are there certain tasks you have to do to get these rewards? or is it all RNG and you just have to keep hiding/hitting snowmen to get them
So only select survivors get the sweaters for free 🤦🏾♀️ not elodie or Claudette 😔
do you have to escape or play as the certain killer cause those survivors for me are really low lvl lol
Where I can see my rewards ?? I just played and they “gave” me a Charm like a gift and I don’t see it anywhere in the “Customization” area T_T
Do you have to be playing as these killers and survivors to get the rewards?
I've been playing as Santa Clown during this event and it's been a hilarious and fun time so far ho ho ho, Got My witchy women Ugly sweater just now!
Frosty eyes look really good on the Artist!
How do we get the sweaters?
Thanks I was wondering what all of the reward are but now I know thanks and happy holiday.
How i can get the shirt of mikaela pls
Lets go for 10k brotha!
Thats very limited, wheres the love for the other characters?
I played 2 matches as the artist, and hit like 3 surv inside of snowmans, but i just hoy twi charms
Mr avocado is about to be famous.
I havent been getting rewards for escaping with particles from getting hit in the Snowmen, I only have been getting rewards for escaping in the snowman itself, people are getting the cosmetics just from getting hit, is this only an issue Im having or are others having the same issue?