The COMPLETE Guide To The Knight | Dead by Daylight

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In this DBD video we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the new killer in Dead by Daylight The Knight. We’ll go over his add-ons, best builds, best playstyle, and more. The Knight is massively underrated and very fun to play.

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00:00 Intro
00:57 In-Depth Look at The Guards
03:01 S-Tier Add-ons
05:14 Good Add-ons
08:20 Meme Add-ons
11:51 Gutter Tier Add-ons
14:18 How to Play The Knight | Tips and Tricks
19:06 The Knight’s Weaknesses
20:48 Best Anti-Survivor Meta Build
23:25 Best Meta Build with No RNG
24:59 Best Build with Vanilla Perks Only
26:31 Nowhere to Hide
26:54 Face the Darkness
27:35 Hubris
28:13 The Knight’s Perks
28:20 Outro


41 thoughts on “The COMPLETE Guide To The Knight | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don’t know if you do game recommendations or not but there’s this new game called Project Playtime that’s like DBD that I think would be interesting for you to review

  2. While its cool that you made a guide for this killer… unfortunately no amount of skill with his power can change that its just rng based. Whether this killer is B tier or D tier depends not on your skill but on the map aaaand 90% of maps he is pretty much C to D tier

  3. I’ve spent around 50 hours clean (i.e. in the matches only) on he Knight since his release… and I’m interested in what you have to say.
    I’ll update this comment as I watch the video, don’t beat my ass sir.
    1. The Guards. I believe there is no best and worst guard, as they excel at different tasks. I prefer to never use Carni as object defender (cause survivors may take my power hostage), but rather break pallets or intentionally start a long chase – while I go after another survivor. Assassin is a perfect helper in-chase, while, but I often prefer Jailer in big loops due to his huge radius. Same goes for using him to protect objects – which you will have to do anyway at some point.
    2. I came to the conclusion that an S-tier addon would be iri banner, nothing else.
    3. Greaves are great for chase builds. A decent addon.
    4. However, I found ZERO sense in using green addons, they are a fucking joke in the way they work.
    5. Honestly, you underestimate flint and steel. It’s not incredible, but it is quite decent – BUT only in a combo with double carni 🙁
    6. Yet again, guards. They do not react to ANY noise notification, only a few: mid/fast vaults, unhooking, fast lockers, failed skillchecks. They will not react to something like spies from the shadows or discordance (unlike Nemy’s zombies).
    Overall – yes.
    This is good. This is complete. This is well-thought. This is well-argued.
    This is a guide we did not ask for, but certainly the one we deserved.

  4. Huzzah thank you for an amazing guide! I really struggle with using his guard and getting stuck on things or in the ground any help would muchly be appreciated see you soon 🙂

  5. I feel kind of bad for you because you obviously put a lot of time into this but I give it maybe 2-3 months before Behaviour nerfs the fuck out of the Knight.

  6. the knight has been ruined by the buggy release. Most people tried them, found that it simply wasn't worth it and stopped playing them completely. Which is sad because just like artist, it's awfully fun to play them and they can be pretty strong. But no one bothers to learn them now

  7. Knight main here: I understand why cold steel manacles could be considered a meme add on.But I would argue that it can be useful with certain builds/play styles. In my case I mainly use it for two things, gen regression and ambushes. For example, in the case I quick a gen with call of brine I leave the jailer to make sure it regresses a lot. But my favorite use so far is during chases, while the jailer is chasing the survivor I try to go another route to ambush them and cut them off. But agreat video btw it's been eye opening

  8. Survivor build I like which counters* no where to hide, is object of obsession (+odds of being obsession), blood pact (-odds of being obsession), any two perks (botany and leader are nice for increased healing speed when trying to get blood pact going, prove thyself for gens), and for the fifth perk slot a green key with the wedding ring (-odds of being obsession, and you always see the obsession's aura). You get all the benefits of seeing when the killer sees your aura with none of the risk from object revealing it, and blood pact is always fun

    * You can know that they have it and get in a locker, gtfo, or just use the aura reading for the start of the chase

  9. I wish that they'd stand still for like a second or two after they broke something like their patrol path was to just stand still. It might be a bit much so I think it'd probably replace the (apparently mandatory for new killers) iri exposed add-on

  10. I am personally enjoying the knight a lot, but right now he's quite buggy and little tweaks are needed. Besides there's potential in this killer and it's good if used right :)))

  11. This was genuinely a great vid. I work a lot so i rely on others to fish through these new killers to get this kind of info so i dont have to waste what little time i get to play figuring the killer out. Opinions on him are so negative even Otz wont touch him. Thankfully you stepped in where otz said nah.

  12. I thought an amazing add on for him would have been he can now command his Guards to attack and he would point his sword kinda like in the trailer, trade off is guards can’t patrol anymore and some other minor penalties. Think it would be sick to send your soldiers to attack and REALLY feel like a this deadly conqueror The Knight is supposed to be.

  13. I use Call to Arms in every build

    And Gritty Lump is great for catching stealthy survivors cuz I use pure chase builds so no slow downs or aura reading, No Way Out/Fire Up/Brutal Strength is my favorite Knight Build

  14. DM Switch is kinda useless. It is really not hard to scream your lungs out "LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" Even total randoms from DBD discord somehow can do this "complex" strat, so I assume SWF sweat lord will have no problem countering this.
    But other build looks pretty good… even those Brine + Eruption is going to be nerfed soonich, because of cries of survivors that IT can stop entire gen progress in game.

  15. The downplay of this killer being a for honor inspire or collab. Kinda just disappeared from when the announcement happen. Like i guess since it wasn’t completely a license character. But makes all the more strange to me now.

  16. This is a great guide, I learned a few things.
    However, I'm not sure if anyone has stated this yet.
    Even with the blindness debuff, telling when a survivor about to be hooked is still indicated on the game's UI.
    You'll notice that in any instance where there's no longer a 'drain' on the health of a survivor. (The hook perk that stalls or when a survivor is picked up, the UI will make the health bar pulse and glow, indicating that they're not losing any health. Survivors can simply work until they see that and avoid Dead Man's Switch.

  17. I had fun playing The Knight, but he definitely suffers from path visibility. To be honest, I didn't see anything special in this video to change my mind about his power. You still drop guards on loops as expected and as much as I love the idea of using his power more often outside the chase it's just not worth it in my experience. It's always better to have the power ready during the chase IMO.
    P.S. Nowhere to Hide on Freddy is like bread and butter.

  18. I haven't played any other killer since Knight dropped….. I just find 3 gens I like and protect them. That's how I have fun playing him. Steam comments off, instantly leave match at the end so no one can spoil my fun


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