The DC penalty is needed. | Dead by Daylight

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The DC penalty is one of the greatest things to ever be added into Dead by Daylight, and it is needed to deter and punish poor sports who ruin the experience of other players. Sometimes it’s okay to DC, but in most cases it messes with the experience of other players. Let’s discuss the DC penalty in Dead by Daylight.
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35 thoughts on “The DC penalty is needed. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Coming from competitive fps games dc penalty is mandatory but no other game I’ve played is as Brocken and unbalanced as Dbd if you want a dc penalty then make an afk auto kick to stop killers from afking and survivors too this will also stop survivors from having to dv when the get stuck in a fucking wall and before endgame collapse would literally make the game go on forever and even in the end game collapse the killer could leave two survivors alive (one stuck) and just patrol a three gen until they are forced to dc or give up

  2. I agree about ruining game for another people, but what if another people ruining game for me? When one survivor downed and two other survivors do stupid thing like hiding in lockers for ages or trying flashlight save (when killer have Lightborne or very cauticious) or take a hits when hook neaby downed survivor (and after 3 sec we have 3 downed survivors with no gen done) i just DC. Let they have fun, im not understand that meaning of "fun".

  3. Honestly the DC penalty should either be longer or last until the match you were in is over. Or like 10 minutes past when the match you were in ends.

    It's not the pettiness of disconnecting that bothers me, it is, as you pointed out, the impact it has on the other people in the game. 99 times out of 100, if a survivor I'm going against disconnects it is a death sentence for the other three and I feel bad for them.

  4. might not be super clear in the video, but disconnecting just because you don’t like something in the game is shitty. but if you have a technical issue (lag, fps, gamebreaking bug, etc) then it’s totally fine to dc in my eyes.

  5. rpd is my favourite map in the game, I got a 18-3 W ratio on killer and I looped a blight there for 3 minutes one wing. The map is great imo and looks beautiful and I know how to navigate perfectly after a few games there and I didn't play RE2

  6. i feel like the d/c penalty should only be enforced on the first survivor to d/c, and the killer. doesn't seem fair to be forced to sit through a ruined match that isn't your fault. otherwise dc penalty is fine

  7. To me I feel like the DC penalty is to weak I feel like you should be more punished for abandoning your friend like I've told my friends they should add an offering that has a more punishing effect if a survivor leaves

  8. After playing rpd it sucks, the tiles are boring af or arbitrary. On top of that things like crow tracking does not exists. It's not broken I think its just that we had midwich and the game rework and they still make a map like this.

  9. You are so right about RPD. Not going to lie, thought it was going to be survivor sided or just be way too huge.
    Not true at all. It's one of the more balanced maps by a LONG shot.
    Custom game is at the disposal- plenty of opportunity to learn to navigate. Take it! First map in a year. Why are we crying about it? A beautiful map no less.

    Very true. The DC penalty should stay. It's pathetic how often it happens. Have done my fair share and I, too, have been pathetic. But not as often as what people cough up when the DC penalty is removed!
    So, I vote it stays. At the very least, grab the blood cash when the door slams behind you.

  10. Here's what I think about the disconnect penalty and the state of the game itself. The problem isn't so much that people are mad about a certain aspect of the game; that's not the core of the issue, that's an effect of the core issue. At the end of the day, the person has all right to want to disconnect for any reason since they paid for the game, just like you and I. If they're having a bad match, you will sometimes know; if they got something going on, you will sometimes know. However…

    The core issue to all of this and why people tend to disconnect a lot isn't because something is unfair or not, it's because the game itself was designed to have a "Ranked" mode when it honestly should have never been designed with it in the first place. This one decision by the developers of the game has created the single most toxic community out there, and believe it or not, many people who play this game truly care about their ranks and skill because there's simply no other way to play this game. The game should have, from the start, been designed with only a Quick Play system in mind and a secret (albeit elementary) ranking system that pit you against other players around your level of skill without you knowing.

    This would have first solved the issue of people really caring so much about winning or losing, as now it's more of just having fun with the game rather than trying to grind as hard as you possibly can in this game to win. There would still be those matches, don't get me wrong, but they wouldn't have been as prevalent in this current day.

    The second issue solved would have been the implementation of a "replacement player" system. You know how in most games, when a player disconnects from a casual match, the player is usually replaced by another player? While this couldn't have been achieved early on in the game's life, had it gone a different direction, this system can no longer be achieved at all due to the fact that this game is exclusively "ranked", preventing players from getting their replacement Survivors or possibly even replacement Killers that would elicit a much fairer and balanced match, as well as possibly a less toxic playerbase.

    Granted, there could have been some sort of disconnect penalty to the player that did this, but the penalty to both the Survivors and Killer that are in that match that the survivor was in would be moot once a new Survivor or possibly Killer enters the scene. Now the transition wouldn't be so seamless at first, nothing is, but considering the staff that they have now at the studio, you would think they could pull something like this off with what (spaghetti code) they had.

    The problem with the game is the ranked system itself. It's essentially groomed many players into being entitled, whiny little people and has overall impacted the game negatively for its entire lifetime. But no one will ever talk about it because they don't want to admit that that's the core issue with the game.

    Now am I saying that a DC penalty shouldn't exist? Absolutely not; it should potentially exist in another way (such as getting paired up with more people like you, based on a hidden or visible 'reputation' system int he game), but again, the current design of the game (if you can call it "game design") doesn't foster such a possibility.


    Take it from a Super Smash Bros. player to a Dead by Daylight player, the only way for players to properly thrive in an environment and want to learn new and exciting things is to not thrust people into a "competitive" mode in a video game right away. You want the player to naturally learn about the new parts of the game, not force them to learn it on the fly because their rank just so happens to be very high and they won't know how to do anything just yet. That's part of the experience of having a casual gamemode in the first place; it's meant to be that slow curve upwards into something greater.

    If someone has to learn something fast, then that curve turns into a steep hill that the player will genuinely not want to climb because it's too much of a hurdle. Dead by Daylight has this steep hill effect, whereas Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has this slow incline effect. Steep hills do not make for fun games, nor appealing ones to newer players or even players of old. It just creates problems upon problems that only ever get worse the more time goes on.

    And trust me, Dead by Daylight is at a near-90 degree angle of steepness.


    One more thing I'd like to point out at the expense of the developers' ineptitude: they can code in something that makes it so you can't disconnect during a loading screen, but they somehow just aren't coding the game so that you can't select "exit match" while in a match. Or press alt+F4 to leave during a match. Or make it so that the only way you can get out of the match is unplugging your internet.

    Seriously, how are the developers this daft? If they implemented the same code that prevented players from disconnecting during a loading screen to the match itself, then there would be almost no need for a DC penalty in the first place!

  11. Remove the leave match button on the menu screen and make it so the only why to leave a match is the game crashes or is forcfully closed, that get rid of petty dc's and lets last gen console that have a hard time keeping up with the updates that only make it worse, so if it does crash i can get back to playing

  12. I have a broken cable build in my house and my internet fucks up once per hour :c the dc penalty is killing me for dcing once per hour (and survivor can still kill them self on the hook)

  13. I fully support the dc penalty, I just want them to not have gone into effect if your game crashes because that has happened to me multiple times and it is just annoying

  14. I'm not against the DC penalty but let me ask you this. Why should I care about the other 4 people in the match? When I sit down to play a videogame, I want to have a good time and sometimes even sweat a bit if the killer/survivors know what they're doing, so why should I care about someone else's fun if the only important person when I sit down and play in my free time is me?

  15. Im one of the RCPD map disconnecters as killer. I refuse to learn a map, that favors authenticity above playability. IMO this map should not exist. Nobody likes indoor maps in the first place. On top of that BHVR is admitting the flaws of the map by reducing its occurance and disabling the offering. I bet they only keep it i n the rotation because they are contractualy obligated to do it.

  16. Don't forget when a 4 man swf DC all at once or when the swf DC for hatch. When I see solo Q DC it's usually the 3 swf that stays. But too many game breaking issue an bugs do make it unplayable an annoying. An I do get how some solo Q players get really annoyed not just at killer but the swf

  17. If people boot up dbd and ready up, they are accepting all the possibilities of a match. They signed up for the chance at the killer being one they dislike, or the game selecting a map they hate.
    I see people throw around the excuse of "but the game is meant to be fun, so I should only play if I have fun". That excuse is flat out selfish and stupid, since you're gonna ruin the match for 4 other people because the game didn't go as you like.

    The dbd community is one of the most entitled communities i've seen, just accept that the game has frustrating stuff and get used to it.

  18. I would completly agree with what you said about RC City. I love the map so so much, i was so excited for it to come out because im a big RE fan so I just went in a custom with my brother and learned the map. Honestly i love it as survivor and i like it as demo but with legion its not as good i think. The only thing I can agree with is it might be to big and more difficult for regular movement based killers to pressure gens.

  19. The problem with the DC penalty is that it Bans without discrimination, there is no way for the system to know why you DC'ed it only know's that you DC'ed, you get the penalty regardless of whatever causes the DC. This is why they had to deactivate the system during this chapter release. The amount of performance issues were causing large amounts of DC bans without players being guilty of anything besides trying to play the game.

    Unfortunantly even after 2 fix patches people are still reporting problems but the DC Ban is back ON… I've quit playing the game until Performance on Consoles is fixed and no i'ts not my PS4 it's actually my PS5 version of the game…People on Series X are reporting problems too. DbD is in a very bad state with performance issues, tons of bugs, only the hardcore insane people are playing DbD on Console. I've had no sound, i've had intermitent sound, i've had no scratch marks i had delayed scratchmarks, i had a shit ton of survivors screaming but no hit validity, i have been rolledback, etc, etc you name it i've seen it with this update…

    By Dc'ing you're already sacrificing you Rank progress and BP, why do we need a third penalty?

    DbD is a party game, it's not a Competitive game aside from being 4v1. Nothing in this game is made towards competitive play. Any and all Tournaments are player made and have a bunch of outside rules to try and create a pseudo competitive state for the game. Why ban people on a clearly casual game targeted for casual people?

    The psychological effects of the 3 penalties of Dc'ing on someone who chose to DC is also harmful, it will only frustrate that person even more.

    WE can't chose to Endure a faulty game because of the Fear of the Penalties…

  20. DC Ban influences queue times and matchmaking. Less players eligible for matchmaking makes queues take longer and then there's a higher chance for ranks/skill level gap to be bigger because there's less people eligible.

    Cross-play already ruinned matchmaking for Consoles, it takes ages to find a full Console lobby, you're forced to use Cross-play if you wanna play now imagine DC Bans limitting the amount of people eligible for matchmaking on Consoles during the last month…. Not that you'd want to play even if the Dc bans were off since the game is still performing poorly but imagine the Hell that would be for a full Console lobby to even be created…


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