Franklins DERAILS entire game – Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “Franklins DERAILS entire game – Dead by Daylight”

  1. tbf, I do act kinda like this when I have to heal people for challenges, I can't exactly tell the killer "Hey can you hurt people so I can heal them. Please don't touch me I have 0 perks that help me in chase unlike the rest of my team let me keep my med-kit"

  2. This is why you're a beta male no gf plays games way too much hasn't got a 100k a year job streams rips off the general public by paying fark all taxes but getting paid alot to do piss all but stream to idiots and 12 yr old children and kids why tf didnt u just be a kids show presenter i would of respected it more I hate streamers they're disgusting lazy cunts

  3. 7:30 that's a pretty aggressive head nod😂😂 Nah but for real how come every vid I watch he always getting so mad at survivors that are just having fun? like bro its just a game.😂😂


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